近日国外Reddit论坛用户jjlove1785分享了疑似《Elden Ring》的宣传物料,这位朋友似乎在Gamestop上班,一起来看看现场截图!目前这些宣传物料已经被挂上墙了,上面还有“COMING SOON”的字样。当然没有更多实质性消息,也没有出现游戏海报,或许只是占位宣传而已。让我们期待官方能早日公布《Elden Ring》发售日期。《Elden ...
来自测试版本的Eld..转自reddit 某位自称玩过demo的人:我不知道测试版什么时候会露面,但我知道粉丝会很高兴,因为他们计划在发售前进行“公开测试”。我已经玩过这个“公开测试”。“测试”用于测试服务器和游戏,不知道最
近日国外Reddit论坛用户jjlove1785分享了疑似《Elden Ring》的宣传物料,这位朋友似乎在Gamestop上班,一起来看看现场截图! 目前这些宣传物料已经被挂上墙了,上面还有“COMING SOON”的字样。当然没有更多实质性消息,也没有出现游戏海报,或许只是占位宣传而已。让我们期待官方能早日公布《Elden Ring》发售日期。 《Elden Ri...
reddit上有人推..reddit上有人推测,elden ring长达十一个月的静默期,背后的原因有可能是因为商标竞争。不过万代已经争取到了elden ring的商标,并且正好前两天是商标可以开始使用,就出现了白天那个黑魂
https://www.reddit.com/r/PiratedGames/comments/u55adf/elden_ring_modding_with_mod_engine_2/Try following the instructions from this post. MO2 will always look for the default STEAM folder structure and if it can't find it, it won't find your .exe 8 几个月前 EldenLord1231 Can somebo...
在《Elden Ring:Shadow of the Erdtree》DLC中,一个关于Elden Ring的子版块讨论揭示了玩家最喜欢和最不喜欢的土地。许多Reddit用户指出,Shadow Keep是最受欢迎的,而Abyssal Woods是最不受欢迎的 。 币界网报道: 在《Elden Ring:Shadow of the Erdtree》DLC中,一个关于Elden Ring的子版块讨论揭示了玩家最喜欢和...
As RedditorBlock508points out, "inElden Ringthere are fake walls that take many hits to break (at least 50)." While only two of these difficult-to-find hidden walls have been discovered, one of which is in the manor, there's no doubt that there are more to be uncovered. ...
Elden Ring DLC boss locations map There is a grand total of 83 bosses in the Elden Ring DLC, Shadow Of The Erdtree. To help you keep track of all those boss locations, we've put together two maps below. The first map isspoiler-free, and shows only the locations of each boss, witho...
3 - Where could an Elden Ring DLC Take Place? The tracks are numerous but the one that has made the community react the most is that of the marine whirlpool. It all started on Reddit, when a user posted a photo of a whirlpool located north of the map, above the Manoir du Volcan an...
Facebook Twitter RedditElden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree drops on June 21st for Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, PS4, PS5 and PC. Some are waiting with bated breath while others are scrambling to get ready. Whether you’re a brand new player jumping in for the first time or an ...