Welcome, Lowly Tarnished, to the official ELDEN RING Discord server! This is your destination to discuss all things ELDEN RING.
Elden Ring takes place in the Lands Between, a fictional realm over which several demigods rule. It was previously ruled over by the immortal Queen Marika, who acted as keeper of the Elden Ring, a powerful force that manifested itself as the physical concept of order. When Marika shattered ...
A much faster paced gameplay version of Elden Ring with many quality of life improvements. Updated to work with DLC, but new DLC movesets haven't been edited yet.
Re: Elden Ring All in One v1.04.1 / Calibrations 1.04.2 Post by Codcat » Wed Mar 08, 2023 12:42 pm Here's the latest from the discord server, I haven't played elden ring in a some time but maybe when the DLC comes out I will. Note I had to leave it in its original ...
A discord bot that provides the user with information regarding items in Elden Ring. Made with discord.js - Guitarband/MerchantKaleBot
gâteau. Retour sur la recette originale (ou presque) dans cet épisode de FDG. Merci à nos patreotes qui financent l'émission sur https://www.patreon.com/findugame Rejoignez le club de lecture sur Discord : https://discord.gg/YTGbSkN Si vous réalisez un achat sur Top Achat, ...