法环DLC 文档放在阿里云盘,需要的自行下载: https://www.alipan.com/s/1BPupKyDVLo 若帮助到您,希望可以点点赞哦!本文为我原创 BUFF v1.10 Elden Ring 艾尔登法环 分享到: 投诉或建议 麻枝准催泪新作《炽焰天穹》预下载开启! 评论1 最热 最新 请先登录后发表评论 (・ω・) 发布 客服喵10万挑战...
BUFF图标 图标为正方形底-永久BUFF 图标为菱形底-临时BUFF 部分BUFF无图标显示 永久BUFF均可无限叠加 如装备附加属性,护符附加属性,双持(力量以1.5倍计算) 临时BUFF 同种BUFF之间无法叠加,新获得的会覆盖旧的,与BUFF强度,BUFF剩余时间无关.
【艾尔登法环】小白也会用的一款MOD合并软件regulation.bin(Elden Ring Mods Manager - Merger) 1.3万 1 02:10 App 艾尔登法环修改附魔时间,yapped修改,一分钟搞定,超简单教学。修改黑炎之刃,从7秒到300秒。 1.2万 7 05:03 App smithbox进行艾尔登法环mod合并的基础教程 适用黄金树幽影DLC 6513 1 01...
Elden Ring Golden Vow (Spell) Guide All Damage Negation +10% (+5% in PvP). Damage stacks multiplicatively with Flame, Grant me Strength. Damage reduction component stacks multiplicatively with food buffs such as Boiled Crab. This is an Aura Buff and will not stack with other buffs of the...
Elden Ring - All Sacred Ashes of War Locations Golden Slam- slam into the ground to cause a wave of light; dropped by a Scarab inside the Woodsfolk Ruins in Altus Plateau, used on any melee armament. Golden Vow- buff the attack and defense of the player and surrounding allies; dropped ...
The most popular faith scaling weapon on the list is probably the Blasphemous Blade but there are several great alternatives depending on the type of playstyle that you want to use. Faith weapons in Elden Ring come in all shapes and sizes so there is sure to be something to take anyone’...
the Weeping Peninsula. It requires a little bit of traveling but it's basically just heading all the way south from where you start off the game and doesn't require you to kill anything. You can pick it up off a chest and you have yourself an amazing Elden Ring 1...
There are thirteen different affinities available in Elden Ring. The affinities and their effects are defined below. 1. Standard Standard affinity offers nothing. It’s a weapon without any affinity with its standard stat scaling. With a Standard affinity, you can buff your weapons with incantation...
Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree DLC adds lots of new boss fights, taking place in the new “Realm of Shadow” map. This Shadow of the Erdtree Boss Guide will walk you through the best tactics to defeat all bosses in the game and the locations where to find them. The bosses can be...
In this guide, I'll go over everything you need to know about putting together a build in Elden Ring. This includes an explanation of what makes a good build, as well as a detailed overview of all of the best builds in the game and the stats and weapons you'll need to make them ...