致命一击力量灵巧智力信仰感应重量技能获得方式 小圆盾 61 6830 030 016 030 037 1008 E13 D---1.5小圆盾格挡史东薇尔城,门卫葛托克的商店购买 调香师盾 66 6735 035 016 035 037 1008 E---1.5格挡持盾的调香师掉落(调香师的藏身洞窟) 蛇人盾 75 7035...
龙塔盾 115 1000 610 670 550 64100 6930 D---17.5盾牌冲击逐渐崩毁的法姆亚兹拉,龙教堂(屋顶)赐福点出发,跳下右拐,南方有个广场,在东边悬崖可以往下跳,跳到最底层进入建筑内,就一条路走到头是个露台,这里有个白色梯子爬上去,左手边有个华丽的宝箱开启获得 名门...
名称图标物理魔法火雷圣防御强度 / 致命一击力量灵巧智力信仰感应重量技能获得方式 鸢形盾 100 7847 047 033 047 051 10012 D---4.5利耶尼亚湖(湖边)赐福点的流浪商人购买 侵蚀皮盾 81 7549 036 045 045 046 1008 D---3无宁姆格福,史东薇尔城,史东薇尔断崖赐福点上山栈道的尸体捡取 侵蚀...
Elden Ring Wiki is now live! Hype it to the max! We get a new FromSoftware IP with input from GOT / ASOAIF creator George R. R. Martin, all with the RPG elements we've been missing. WOOT #16126350 ByAnonymous-Sat Jun 08, 2019 4:06 am ...
Melee Armaments is an inventory category in Elden Ring and is the home of many weapons of many different weapon classes. Most can scale.
Welcome to the Elden Ring Wiki & Strategy Guide. This hub page contains links to all Elden Ring guides, walkthroughs, collectibles and general game info. Everything you’ll need for 100% game completion in Elden Ring is included in this Strategy Guide!
Small Golden Effigy Duelist's Furled Finger Small Red Effigy Bloody Finger Recusant Finger Festering Bloody Finger Phantom Bloody Finger Phantom Recusant Finger Phantom Great Rune White Cipher Ring Blue Cipher Ring Taunter's Tongue Finger Severer ...
Head is an inventory category in Elden Ring. Armor equipped to this slot are called helms or headgear.
The following is a Walkthrough guide to Elden Ring. The goal of this Walkthrough is to position the player in a way that they are able to complete the game without missing any content. It will not dictate equipment or quest choices, only highlight the op
1 Queen Marika the Eternal 2 Recluse 3 Melina 4 Duchess 5 Banished Knight Gauntlets Night's Cavalry Gauntlets Veteran's Gauntlets Scaled Gauntlets Beast Champion Gauntlets Tree Sentinel Gauntlets Malformed Dragon Gauntlets Crucible Gauntlets Radahn's Gauntlets ...