Item:Larval Tear Item Type:Key Items Item Description:Core of a creature of mimicry known as a silver tear. As much a substance as it is a living organism. Material required by the amber egg cradled by Rennala, Queen of the Full Moon, to birth people anew. Being born anew allows the ...
A Larval Tear can be found in the graveyard at Village of the Albinaurics, located southwest of the Folly on the Lake Site of Grace. There is a large lobster north of the Folly on the Lake Site of Grace that is actually a Grafted Scion in disguise. Killing it will reward players ...
2) Another larval tear can be found atMt.Gelmir. You’ll have to defeat theWormfacedisguised as a flaming Putrid Corpse on the eastern part of the Road of Iniquity site of grace near the ruined camp to get rewarded with this key item. How To Use Larval Tears to Respec in Elden Ring ...
➥How to Respec Stats ➥Where to Get Larval Tear ➥Benefits of Two-Handing Weapons ➥How to Increase Memory Slots ➥How to Get Around Dodge Roll Delay ➥How to Get Smithing Stones ➥Where to Find the Glinstone Key ➥How to Get Mimic Tear ➥How to Quickly Reach Volcano Man...
Kill the Silver Tear to get a Larval Tear and then leave the temple using the entrance. Go down the stairs outside and rest at the Site of Grace. Travel up the road to the northeast until you reach the stairs. Go up the stairs and loot the chest to get the Hidden Treasure of No...
Mimic Tear Nokron, Eternal City Larval Tear x2Silver Tear Mask Regal Ancestor Spirit Nokron - Hallowhorn Grounds Remembrance of the Regal Ancestor Valiant Gargoyles Nokron - Siofra Aqueduct Gargoyle's GreatswordGargoyle's Twinblade Astel, Naturalborn of the Void Nokstella - The Lake of Rot Reme...
Once you’re finished with the academy, Rennala will not die, but will instead become an NPC you can interact with in the boss chamber after your battle. She will accept a Larval Tear in exchange for resetting your stats, and giving you the points to reassign yourself. Your level will ...
Larval Tear (3000 Runes) Nomadic Warrior’s Cookbook [17] (1000 Runes) Nomadic Warrior’s Cookbook [18] (6000 Runes) Shotel (2500 Runes) Arrow (20 Runes) Dwelling Arrow (160 Runes) Bolt (40 Runes) Ainsel River Hermit Merchant Uhl Palace Ruins – At the very back of the Url Ruins un...
Where to Get Larval Tear Benefits of Two-Handing Weapons How to Increase Memory Slots How to Get Around Dodge Roll Delay How to Get Smithing Stones Where to Find the Glinstone Key How to Get Mimic Tear How to Quickly Reach Volcano Manor Elden Ring Walkthroughs Main Story ▼Elden Ring: ...
Here are some ways players can get Larval Tears: Purchased for 3,000 Runes from the Nomadic Merchant in theSiofra River. Purchased for 3,000 Runes from Pidia, Carian Servent inCaria Manornear the Three Sisters area. Dropped by the Mimic Tear when defeated inNokron, Eternal City. ...