the fabrication of a colored silica glass by Reactive Electrophoretic Deposition (REPD) is presented.As the suspension is doped with AuCl3,the gold ions are adsorbed on the surface of the silica nanoparticles and are directly incorporated into the green body during the deposition process whereby ...
The vehicle runs smoothly and is capable of fully recognizing stop signs as it automatically decelerates before finally coming to a stop.As traffic lights change from red to green,the taxi moves through the crossings. Last December,Baidu officially opened its Apollo Park in ...
Red-yellow CdSSe-ZnS SLs and blue-green SrS and CdSSe-SrS SLs double insulating EL devices prepared by hot wall epitaxyExperimental/ cadmium compoundsceriumelectroluminescenceII-VI semiconductorsinterface structureinternal stresseslattice constantsluminescence of inorganic solids...
2007. Ferric and cupric reductase activities by iron-limited cells of the green alga Chlor- ella kessleri: quantification via oxygen electrode. Physiol. Plant. 131(2): 322-331. PMID:18251903.Weger HG, Walker CN, Fink MB (2007) Ferric and cupric reductase activities by iron-limited cells ...
Review of Otto Fabricius and the seals of Greenland. Meddelelser om Grnland: Bioscience 55 , by Finn O. Kapeldoi:10.3402/POLAR.V25I2.6293Kit M. KovacsRoutledge
Ono : "Luminance Improvement of Blue-Green Emitting SrS : Ce EL Cell by Controling Vacuum Conditions with Sulfur Addition", J. Electrochem. Soc. (USA) 135, 10, pp. 2631-2634 (Oct. 1988)Luminance Improvement of Blue Green Emitting SrS;Ce El Cell by Controlling Vacuum conditions with ...
•Century-duration climate shift identified ∼12,500–12,380 cal BP within the Greenland Stadial-1 chronozone.•El Niño - Southern Oscillation expressed Pacific Ocean-wide after ∼12,380 cal BP.•Pacific-wide change appears not to be driven by the North Atlantic....
1993 Growth changes in 20-year-old Sitka spruce Picea sitchensis after attack by the green spruce aphid Elatobium abiet- inum. Forestry 66, 371-379.Seaby, D.A., and D.J. Mowat. 1993. Growth changes in 20-year-old Sitka spruce Picea sitchensis after attack by the green spruce ...
Meddelelser om Grøland, Bioscience 20. Dkr 130.00. ISBN 87-17-05408-7doi:10.1016/0305-4403(88)90072-6PeterRowley-ConwySDOSJournal of Archaeological ScienceMeldgaard M (1986) The Greenland caribou--zoogeography, taxonomy, and population dynamics. Medd Gron Biosci 20...
GREENLANDANTARCTIC REGIONSRADIO ALTIMETERSRADAR REFLECTIONSRADAR EQUIPMENTICEThe address covers development in the use of radio waves for the depth measurement of thick ice. Also covered is the history of Geophysical surveying of profiles of the terrain underlying continental glaciers. The mechanics of ...