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National Security Expert Elbridge Colby's Advice to Trump on How to Avoid WWIII & Handle the CIA (十一月 10, 2024) Self - Guest The Amanpour Hour (2024) (TV Series) - Self (1 episode, 2024) 08-17-2024 (八月 17, 2024) Self Erin (2022–2024) (TV Series) - Self - Forme...
美国前国防部副助理部长柯伯吉(Elbridge Colby)最近出新书《拒止战略》,在书中扬言,如果美国不迅速解决军力不足的问题,大陆可以成功“入侵并占领”台湾。他希望美国人准备好为台湾与中国大陆开战,因为这可以“吓阻大陆侵略台湾”。而对于和中国开战,他一厢情愿的表示,只要美国对大陆目标的传统打击维持局限性,中国就“...
Elbridge Colby, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense in the Trump administration, joins 'Squawk Box' to discuss the top geopolitical risks facing the incoming Trump administration, his thoughts on President-elect Trump's defense secretary pick Pete Hegseth, and more. ...
美国前国防部副部长助理Elbridge Colby与英国伯明翰大学国际安全教授、兰德欧洲公司关系专家Patrick Porter辩论:美国是否应该保卫台湾?在中华人民共和国的强大力量面前,保卫一个距离中国海岸仅100英里的小岛,是否符合美国人的利益?#微博公开课# (下)Patrick Porter是弃台派:Elbridge Colby说的很有道理,我们同意美国应该...
Colby’s book The Strategy of Denial which offers an examination of how America’s defense strategy should change in order to checkmate China’s growing power. “Elbridge A. Colby was the lead architect of the 2018 National Defense Strategy, the most significant revision of U.S. defense ...
We therefore welcome Elbridge Colby's response. Our disagreement with him centres on two questions: why bother to pursue abolition at all? And, would 'world government' be necessary to ensure security in a world free of nuclear weapons? ......
美国前国防部副部长助理Elbridge Colby与英国伯明翰大学国际安全教授、兰德欧洲公司关系专家Patrick Porter辩论:美国是否应该保卫台湾?在中华人民共和国的强大力量面前,保卫一个距离中国海岸仅100英里的小岛,是否符合美国人的利益?#微博公开课# (下)Patrick Porter是弃台派:Elbridge Colby说的很有道理,我们同意美国应该...