Yes. The medical term is triceps tendinitis, but you may hear it referred to as weightlifter’s elbow. It causes painful inflammation of the tendon that connects your triceps muscle, located on the back of your upper arm, to your elbow joint. In addition to pain, your elbow may feel tigh...
Home remedies include icing the area for 20 minutes twice a day to help to decrease inflammation and relieve pain. Freezing water in a paper cup and tearing away the top rim as the ice melts is an easy way to use ice. Do not put ice directly on the skin. Wrap it in a towel. Rest...
Tennis Elbow 101 is a free video intro course on Tennis and Golfer’s Elbow: Test, assess and diagnose yourself, learn more about the real cause and true nature of your injury – And discover a better treatment strategy – The 1st step to treating and beating it is understanding it!
The tendon on the inner side of the elbow connects the muscles that enable elbow movements (such as flexion) to a bony structure called the medial epicondyle. Repeated elbow movements or heavyweight liftingcan cause tears in this tendon, leading to inflammation. Golfer’s elbow is often seen i...
More on the inflammation story here Topical remedies: Lotions, creams, liniments, etc: Again, to “reduce” inflammation or simply relieve symptoms. At least they are more locally applied and not taken internally, so do less harm. And some liniment-type preparations may actually be useful, sinc...
Anti-inflammatories in pill form –Both prescription and over-the-counter. To “reduce” inflammation (which act systemically on your whole body, since taken internally.)More on the inflammation story Lotions, creams and other topical remedies –To “reduce” inflammation or simply relieve symptoms...
The objective of driving a Hypodermic Needle repeatedly into a tendon that is in a state of degeneration and traumatizing it, is to set off a new round of inflammation and repair, which will hopefully continue and lead to the full repair of the tendon. ...