Type: Stream Description: major river in Central Europe Categories: river, watercourse, national waterways in Germany and body of water Location: Germany, Central Europe, Europe View on OpenStreetMapLatitude53.92222° or 53° 55' 20" north Longitude8.72222° or 8° 43' 20" east Open ...
Map & GPS 1.300 km Felix Meyer Stefan Kayser Maximilian Semsch Joachim Harbeck/Photocompany Felix Meyer Martin Spelda/Partnerství o.p.s. Stefan Kayser Maximilian Semsch Maximilian Semsch Maximilian Semsch Felix Meyer Welcometo one of Europe’s most varied cycling routes. Come with us on a journe...
The Süderelbe is the biggest anabranch of the Unterelbe river in the area which is now the Port of Hamburg, Germany. Mapcarta, the open map.
We used a modelling approach to compare observed with theoretically predicted age distributions from an interpolated in situ AFT and ZFT age map. In situ cooling ages do show large differences in the Rhine drainage basin, facilitating the differentiation between different source regions. Inconsistencies...
In Europe, the strict monitoring requirements laid down in the WFD and its daughter directives impede the implementation of passive sampling for regulatory purposes, whereas in the United States the use of passive sampling in the implementation of remediation processes for contaminated sediments has been...
Central Europe Germany Brandenburg Elbe-ElsterMühlbergMühlberg is a town of 3,700 in Brandenburg, but it can more properly be described as a quaint village with a rich history. It has a castle bought by a former president, trails along a slow flowing river, and streets made completely of...
Keywords: Elbe river basin; water quality modeling; in-stream processes; nutrients; SWIM; climate change impact assessment; ENSEMBLES; management change impacts 1. Introduction Changes of the world's and Europe's climate and increased anthropogenic pressure on natural resources have already been ...