wall in liverworts is usually described as smooth, our discovery of deep schizogenous fissures in the unistratose walls in Haplomitrium appears unique to this earliest diverging liverwort genus and may have important implications for understanding the evolution of the stomatal toolkit in land plants....
FIELD: agriculture.;SUBSTANCE: described is attractant composition for male elaters Crimean Agriotes tauricus (Coleoptera, Elateridae). Common attaractant composition used in agriculture for vermin protection of plants containing mixed 3,7-dimethyl-trans-2,6-octadiene-1-ol-3-methylbutanoate (40-68.0%...
Monosaccharide-linkage analysis of Sphagnum leaf cell walls suggests they contain polysaccharides similar to those of higher plants. The most abundant linkage was 4-Glc, typical of cellulose, but there was also evidence for xyloglucans, 4-linked mannans, 4-linked xylans and rhamnogalacturonan-...