The official Node.js client for Elasticsearch. Installation Refer to theInstallation sectionof the getting started documentation. Connecting Refer to theConnecting sectionof the getting started documentation. Compatibility The Elasticsearch client is compatible with currently maintained JS versions. ...
$mkdirnode-elastic$cdnode-elastic复制代码 在这个目录中,我们可以通过如下的命令来创建我们的 nodejs 项目的 package.json 文件。 $ npminit复制代码 我通过选默认的选项 {"name":"elastic","version":"1.0.0","description":"","main":"index.js","scripts": {"start":"node index.js"},"author":"...
首先,需要在你的 Node.js 项目中安装elasticsearch包: 代码语言:txt 复制 npm install elasticsearch 示例代码 下面是一个简单的示例,展示如何使用 Node.js 连接到 Elasticsearch 并执行基本的搜索操作: 代码语言:txt 复制 const { Client } = require('elasticsearch'); // 创建客户端实例 const client = new Cl...
代码语言:javascript 复制 export const searchResults = async (text, ids) => { const response = await{ index: "new_index", // type: "_doc", body: { query: { bool: { must: [ {terms: {"id": ids}}, {query_string: { query: "(News) OR (Entertainent)"...
l 创作人简介: 姜康,一名会点 vue、Angular、React、Node.js、Java、ELK 的伪全栈前端工程师,目前正在掌握数据开发技术栈的途中。 博客:文章...
3.安装node 这里用到的是homebrew brew install node 等待安装完成,这里应该不会有什么坑,如果下载失败可以关闭终端重复几次(网络原因),用homebrew安装的时候npm是node的一个默认就会安装的组件,装完nodejs就自带了npm。 然后再homebrew里输入 git clone git:// ...
'use strict' const { Client } = require('@elastic/elasticsearch') const client = new Client({ node: 'http://localhost:9200' }) async function run () { // 让我们从索引一些数据开始 await client.index({ // 索引的名称 index: 'game-of-thrones', // 如果您使用的是Elasticsearch≤6,取消...
node: 'http://localhost:9200', auth: { username: 'elastic', password: '123456', }, }); //4.第四步 const exists = await client.indices.exists({ index: 'users' }); //5.第五步 if (!exists) { await client.indices.create({ ...
The official Node.js client for Elasticsearch. Installation Refer to theInstallation sectionof the getting started documentation. Connecting Refer to theConnecting sectionof the getting started documentation. Compatibility The Elasticsearch client is compatible with currently maintained JS versions. ...
node: 'http://localhost:9200', auth: { username: 'elastic', password: '123456', }, }); //4.第四步 const exists = await client.indices.exists({ index: 'users' }); //5.第五步 if (!exists) { await client.indices.create({ ...