采用弹塑性有限单元方法 ,通过模拟符合实际状况的逐步加载过程所引起应力场和塑性形变区的研究 ,得出如下结果 :①在塑性或韧性剪切形变情况下 ,断裂或形变带的共轭剪切角往往大于 4 5° ;②在双向挤压应力条件下 ,先存断裂的前缘部位没有拉伸应力存在 ,但可能有伸展形变发生 ;③与最大主压应力夹角为 3 0°~ ...
Suppose that the beam with rectangular cross section is composed of an inhomogeneous, isotropic and ideally elasto-plastic material and the elastic modulus, yield limit of the material and the height of the beam, respectively, vary arbitrarily with the axial coordinate. The elastic and elasto-plasti...
Results suggest that both the elastic moduli and plastic collapse strength of hexagonal honeycombs with Plateau borders depend on their relative density and the volume fraction of solid contained in the Plateau border region. Meanwhile, effects of solid distribution on the elastic moduli and plastic ...
A two-dimensional finite element model for estimating elastic-plastic displacements and stresses near a crack for the elastic-plastic situation of loadings is presented. Singularity effects near the crack tip are solved by introducing 12-node cubic isoparametric elements in the crack tip region and co...
The elastic–plastic boundary.The stress field in the elastic region and the stress field in the plastic region have been given byEqs. (6.129) and (6.133), respectively. They should satisfy thecontinuity conditionofσron the elastic-plastic boundaryr=c, i.e., ...
This wireless measurement includes both the elastic and plastic region deformation together for the first time, where wired technologies, like strain gauges, typically fail to capture. The experiments are further repeated in the presence of a concrete block between the antenna and the probe, and it...
Keywords: perfectly-plastic material,near-tip fields,elastic region,plastic region塑性,介质,应力,裂纹,尖端场 Full-Text Cite this paper Add to My Lib Abstract: Based on the basic equations and continuity conditions, the configurations of the near-tip fields for a plane stress tensile crack in...
It is observed that in the elastic region, stiffness of the material of the bar is independent of the initially applied constant bending moment and torque, whereas in the inelastic region the magnitudes of the stiffness and strain hardening are comparatively higher for the lower values of the ...
the plastic region inside the sphere. The few existing finite ele- ment method solutions are too restricted in terms of materials, geometry, and loading. It should be noticed here that much research has also been done mostly by utilizing the finite element method on the indentation problem...
The Determination of the Elastic Field of an Ellipsoidal Inclusion, and Related Problems It is supposed that a region within an isotropic elastic solid undergoes a spontaneous change of form which, if the surrounding material were absent, would be some prescribed homogeneous deformation. Because of ...