In subject area: Materials Science The stiffness of a material is defined by the ratio between stress and strain (Young’s modulus or modulus of elasticity) at the elastic regime of a tensile experiment and describes the resistance to elastic deformation of a material. ...
The dynamic elastic moduli of 40 metals and alloys of engineering interest were determined at room and elevated temperatures. Modulus determinations were based upon a relation between the speed of sound in a material and its elastic modulus. A specimen of the material was excited electrostatically an...
The elastic-modulus defect in constructional materials under various loading conditionsthe elastic-modulus defect in constructional materials under various loading conditionsdoi:10.1007/BF01524469A. PuškarS. A. GolovinV. V. ZubetsI. LetkoKluwer Academic Publishers-Plenum PublishersStrength of Materials...
Anelastic modulusof single voxel was measured and analyzed measure physical properties of materials. 提出了一种飞秒激光双光子成型点弹性模量的测量及结果分析方法. 互联网 Stem stiffness depends theelastic modulusthe material and to the fourth power of the diameter. ...
Internal Friction and Young’s Modulus of Si[sub 3]N[sub 4]/BN Fibrous Monoliths at Various Vibrational Strain Amplitudes. The effect of temperature and vibrational strain amplitude on Young's modulus and an ultrasound damping (internal friction) of ceramic boron nitride sample... Kardashev,K ...
Most of the difference is attributed to the change in cell shape. In this study, Young's moduli of conventional and re-entrant open cell foams are obtained by modeling the three-dimensional unit cell as an idealized 14-sided unit cell. Young's modulus of re-entrant foams decreases with ...
The elastic moduli of sand and coarse aggregate were derived from the experimental results using the theoretical models. In addition, the elastic modulus of concrete is not significantly influenced by the S/A ratio for a constant aggregate volume....
Using the above equation we can easily say that to reduce the amount of bending for a certain load, Young’s modulus of elasticity of the material used must be large. Since sag is inversely proportional to the cube of depth, the depth d must be considered. But the problem faced on incre...
Knowledge of the elastic behavior (bulk, shear, Young’s modulus, and Poisson’s ratio) of an SSE might thus be ground to predict its mechanical stability even outside the elastic regime. In this respect, softness has been historically regarded as a favorable property for the design of AS...
Although the values of both E and μ naturally decrease with decreasing ρ, the decreasing rates of the strength and modulus of each NM differ significantly depending on the types/morphologies of the NMs. The E values and their decreasing rates are less sensitive to the types of NMs considered...