1<el-tree-select style="width: 100%" :load="loadNode" :default-expanded-keys="state.defaultExpandedKeys"2:props="state.treePathProps" value-key="id" node-key="id" placeholder="请选择" v-model="state.path"3:render-after-expand="false" lazy /> js部分 treeSelectedData: [],path:'',...
const valueArr = []; res.forEach(item => { arrLabel.push(item[this.props.label]); arr.push(item); valueArr.push(item[this.props.value]); }); this.node = arr; this.labelText = arrLabel; this.theValue = valueArr; this.$emit('change', this.theValue); }, getTooltipStr(val) ...
:props="{ value: 'id', label: 'label', children: 'children', }" :options="deptOptions" :value="deptId" :clearable="false" :accordion="true" @getValue="handleNodeClick" height="200" /> data() { return { deptId: '', // 牧场id deptOptions: [ { "id": 201, "label": "突泉县...
<el-tree-select v-model="value" lazy :load="load" :props="props" node-key="id" @check-change="handleCheckedChange" :default-expanded-keys="expandedKeys" :default-checked-keys="checkedKeys" multiple show-checkbox /> 数据是通过懒加载获取的,default-expanded-keys属性值需要从顶层根节点到当前选...
data() { return { treeData: [ // 树形结构数据 ], treeProps: { children: 'children', label: 'label', // 显示在树节点上的文本 value: 'id' // 节点的唯一标识符 }, selectedNodeIds: [ // 假设这是从后端或本地存储获取的已选择节点ID数组 'node1_id', 'node2_id' ], selectedValue: ...
> <el-option :value="treeDataValue" style="height: auto" > <el-tree ref="tree" :data="data" default-expand-all node-key="id" :props="defaultProps" @node-click="handleNodeClick" /> </el-option> </el-select> </el-form-item> ...
刚才重新验证了下,如果是默认的props是可以的,但是我的需求中需要给el-tree-select配置props,更改value的映射字段就不行了,您可以重新看下这个链接示例:example 快乐、已是回忆 ***@***.*** … Sign up for free to join this conversation on GitHub. Already have an account? Sign in to comment...
props: { // 配置项 props: { type: Object, default: () => { return { value: 'id', children: 'children', label: 'name' } } }, // 选项列表数据(树形结构的对象数组) options: { type: Array, default: () => { return [] } }, // 初始值(单选) value: { type: Object, default...
<script lang="ts" setup> import { ref } from 'vue' const valueStrictly = ref([]) const categoryProps = ref({ label: 'label', children: 'child', value: 'ids' }) const handleChange = ()=>{ console.log(valueStrictly.value) } const data = [ { ids: '1', label: 'Level one ...
第一种方法:组件自定义方法 (支持大小写的前提是后端需要提供大写和小写的字段,或者自己将value值转换) 第一步:HTML上配置 <el-cascader placeholder="请输入成员名称"v-model='addForm.members':options="options":props="optionProps"filterableclass='dialogSelect'@change="handleChange"ref='cascader':filter-met...