Note: the version onSourceforgeis really old. Check if Debian has newer version inemacs-goodies-elpackage. tabbar.el 是旧版本,现在可以用emacs-goodies-el代替
github上的这个 其中aquaemacs-tabbar.el 和tabbar-window.el 有什么用。帮助文档都没找到。赞 回复 转发 赞 收藏 只看楼主 cobbliu (你若盛开,清风自来) 2013-12-13 10:53:33 我在用,晚点把配置贴给你。 赞 回复 你的回复 ...
lib-hs.el lib-js.el lib-lisp.el lib-magit.el lib-meow.el lib-orderless.el lib-org-agenda.el lib-org-archive-hierachical.el lib-org-embark.el lib-org-roam.el lib-org.el lib-tabbar.el lib-telega.el lib-transient.el lib-vertico.el lib-window.el lisp patches snippets .gitignore LI...
Tabbar is an emacs minor mode that displays a tab bar at the top, similar to the idea of web browser’s tabs. - tabbar/aquamacs-tools.el at master · dholm/tabbar