</el-select> <el-button @click="setSelectedValue">设置选中值为选项2</el-button> </div> </template> ``` 则可以在组件的方法中使用ref属性获取el-select实例对象,并调用其方法给组件进行赋值: ```vue <script> export default { data() { return { selectedValue: '' } }, methods: { setSelect...
}, methods: { clearSelect() { //方法1:将v-model绑定的数据设置为null或undefined this.selected = null; //方法2:通过ref属性引用el-select组件,调用clear方法清除选择值 this.$refs.mySelect.clear(); } } }; ``` 当调用`this.$refs.mySelect.clear()`方法时,它将触发清除el-select选择的值。©...
首先,你需要有一个<select>元素,里面包含多个<option>元素,每个<option>代表一个可选项。 html <select id="mySelect"> <option value="1">Option 1</option> <option value="2">Option 2</option> <option value="3">Option 3<...
可以通过监听 el-select 的 change 事件,在 change 事件中判断当前选项是否存在,如果不存在则手动调用el-select 的 remote-method 方法重新获取选项列表。 代码示例: <el-select :remote-method="remoteMethod" @change="handleChange"></el-select> methods: { remoteMethod(query) { // 远程获取选项列表的方法...
[Component] [select] el-select组件设置filterable:true、remote:false在blur的时候会触发remote-method方法#11984 sanfengzhanggifopened this issueMar 12, 2023· 5 comments· Fixed by#15352 Labels inactive Comments Bug Type:Component Environment Vue Version:3.2.47 ...
🎉 A Vue.js 3 UI Library made by Element team. Contribute to element-plus/element-plus development by creating an account on GitHub.
el-select Reproduction Link Element Plus Playground Steps to reproduce 鼠标移入select并输入检索字符, 当选中某一项或select失焦时触发了filter-method事件, 并且检索字符重置为空, 导致下拉菜单收起时重置为原始列表, 造成闪烁现象 What is Expected?
Run details Usage Workflow file Oh hello! Nice to see you. Made with ️ byhumans.txt Annotations 1 warning mark-duplicate [🎃 AC] This comment body should start with 'duplicate-command' or 'Duplicate of' and not include '?' ...
Comments Copy link joufulpencommentedNov 15, 2023 可复现的链接: https://codesandbox.io/s/vxe-table-4-x-vue-3-0-wen-ti-yan-shi-forked-wjwzsv 问题描述与截图: 编辑表格嵌套element plus 的el-select组件时 el-select会失效 无法v-model值 change方法也无法触发; elelment plus 版本2.3.12 ...