在el-option上添加v-if指令,并设置对应的条件表达式。 html <el-option v-if="condition" :label="label" :value="value"></el-option> 上述代码中的condition为条件表达式,当条件为真时,el-option会被渲染到页面中。 第三步:添加颜色样式 接下来,我们要为满足条件的el-option添加对应的颜色样式。在el-...
if(classList.contains('el-select__caret') || classList.contains('el-input__inner')) { lock = false; return; } if(lock) return; fakeClickOutSide(); }; const mousewheelHandle = e => { if(lock || e.target.classList.contains('el-select-dropdown__item') || e.target.parentNode.cl...
事件委托,给el-option加title属性 //下拉框统一加title属性document.addEventListener('mouseenter',e =>{varevent = e ||window.event;vartarget = event.target ||event.srcElement;if(target.className.indexOf('el-select-dropdown__item') > -1) { target.setAttribute("title", target.children[0].inner...
比如,父组件期望一个数组类型的数据,而实际提供的是一个对象类型的数据。 4.其他代码逻辑问题:有可能是其他代码逻辑上的问题导致el-option无法匹配,比如使用了条件渲染(v-if)或者循环渲染(v-for)时,条件或者循环的逻辑不正确导致el-option无法正确显示和匹配。
let granpaNode=parentNode.parentNode;if(granpaNode && granpaNode.className.indexOf('el-select') > -1){//el-select下拉框展开let inputWidth =parentNode.offsetWidth; setTimeout(()=>{ let elSelectDropdown= document.querySelectorAll('.el-select-dropdown');for(let i = 0;i < elSelectDropdown...
<el-option :value="query" created v-if="showNewOption"> </el-option> <slot></slot> </el-scrollbar> 通过源码和代码测试,并没有相关的功能实现// if(!window.el){ el = document.createElement('div') el.id = 'app1' document.body.appendChild(el) // } el.innerHTML = ` <div> <el...
if(granpaNode && granpaNode.className.indexOf('el-select') > -1){ // el-select下拉框展开 let inputWidth = parentNode.offsetWidth;setTimeout(() => { let elSelectDropdown = document.querySelectorAll('.el-select-dropdown');for(let i = 0;i < elSelectDropdown.length; i++){ if(get...
Unfortunately, we can't access the newly created element for removal after it was replaced with the Vue app. So as a workaround, we empty the main-wrapper manually on unmount. The same logic is then repeated for the new app. If there was a way to just cleanly remove the newly created...
function elRectification(el,isResponsive = true, level = 1) { function elRectification(el,isKeepRatio = true, level = 1) { if (!autofit.isAutofitRunnig) { console.error("autofit.js:autofit has not been initialized yet"); } !el && console.error(`autofit.js:bad selector: ${el}`); ...
take (up) an option(=choose an option)America was persuaded not to take up the option of military action.look at an option(=consider an option)You have to look at every option as your business develops.limit your options(=limit what you can choose to do)If you don’t go to college,...