总结: 点击的是 el-sub-menu 。 所以 el-sub-menu 的唯一性是必须的。否则 unique-opened 属性不生效
Bug Type: Component Environment Vue Version: 3.2.20 Element Plus Version: 2.1.4 Browser / OS: Chrome/99.0.4844.74/Mac OS X 10_15_7 Build Tool: Vite Reproduction Related Component el-sub-menu el-menu Reproduction Link Docs CN Steps to rep...
<el-menu :default-openeds="[0]" :default-active="$route.path" theme="light" unique-opened router> <div> <div class="compamyTit_ebt"><img src="/static/img/companyTopPic_index_ebt.png"> <p>易报通</p></div> </div> <template v-for="(item,index) in $router.options.routes" v...
el-menu-item el-sub-menu Reproduction Link Element Plus Playground Steps to reproduce -- 创建任意一个 el-menu -- :router="true" -- mode="horizental" -- menuList 必须最少包含一个没有children的路由和一个有children的路由 -- for循环创建 menu 列表 ...
[Vue warn]: Invalid prop: type check failed for prop "uniqueOpened". Expected Boolean, got String with value "true". element ui 组件使用unique-opened = "true"时提示警告,使用动态参数解决。 <el-menu :unique-opened = true> 或 <el-menu :unique-opened = "true">...
Vue3使用递归组件封装El-Menu多级菜单 <template> <aside class="menu"> <el-scrollbar> <el-menu class="menu-main" router :default-active="route.path" unique-opened background-color="#18214C" text-color="#fff"> <menuItem v-for="item in menuList" :item="item" :key="item.path" />...
item.meta.hidden"><el-sub-menu:index="item.path":key="item.path"v-if="item?.children?.length > 0"><template #title><el-icon><Aim/></el-icon><span>{{item.meta.title}}</span></template><menuItem v-for="child in item.children":item="child":key="child.path"/></el-sub-...
{ "name": "placement", "description": "Placement of the popup menu", "type": "SuggestionPlacement" }, { "name": "prefixIcon", "description": "Prefix icon class", "type": "string" }, { "name": "suffixIcon", "description": "Suffix icon class", "type": "string" }, { "name"...
- Fixed an issue that causes the game to crash when the Mob Effect screen is opened.- Reverted a change to store filter/sort menu popups that cause both menus to be invisible when being opened.- Miscellaneous screen layouts and improvements bug fixes....
Getting error: cannot be opened because it is version 706 getting files in network drive Getting Integer Value when reading date cell from Excel using OpenXML Getting Issue "The request failed with HTTP status 401: Unauthorized." getting Object must implement IConvertible Getting old values from ...