In this case, reductionist views about El Saadawi’s worldview begin and end with a focus on her critique of religion/Islam and Arab culture’s treatment of women. Yet her critiques of religion assume that a global patriarchal class system encouraged religious fundamentalism across the globe and...
Nawal EL Saadawi is one of the Arabic world’s leading feminist and iconoclast. Her novel The Innocence of the Devil, which addresses such diverse subjects as religion, sexuality, the body, and violation of the female by a male dominated society. The physical abuse or violation of women is ...
It is a message that collective efforts, by women all over the world regardless of their class, race and religion, are urgently needed to eradicate their oppression. I come to conclude further that for El Saadawi, it is only through political organization and a patient, long-enduring struggle...
Learning from such contradictions early on, El Saadawi became subversive in life and distinctly political in her writings. People have identified her works as political fiction and biographical fiction. To do so is to ignore the art or creativity of her writing. A more prudent evaluation would re...
A critical review of Nawal El Saadawi's novels indicate the centrality of the feminine experience—foregrounding the extent to which women's oppression and exploitation are legitimized by race, class, religion, and the patriarchal system in Africa, how her novels...
It became one of the major causes for women's weak positions in both society and religion. The female figure was often misconstrued either in the pattern of her body or in her relation patterns with men. This article was expected to uncover the figure of a woman through the perspectives of...
When asked about her views on the current antagonism between the U.S. and Iran, she said the problem is the oil. When asked about religion she said she feels religion shouldn't play a part in politics.SmithSophieFeminist Review
Nawal El Saadawi, Egyptian public health physician, psychiatrist, author, advocate of women’s rights, and founder of the Arab Women’s Solidarity Association (AWSA). Her writings and her professional career as a physician and psychiatrist were dedicated