The modifications of the libido by Jung and Adler are given. Six tables are included, illustrating the different types of word stimuli used in the technic of psychoanalysis.doi:10.1001/jama.1928.02690380064044El psicoan谩lisisAmerican Medical Association...
This will lead to the symbolic and real relation, as well as to demonstrate the close relationship between the substance of the number and the subjective constitution.Affectio SocietatisSánchez, José Fernando
Psychoanalysis is a plural, multiple and open practice. Its dialogue with other disciplines not only constitutes a relevant contribution to the present public debate, but is an indispensable exigency towards its own future as a discourse interested in getting rid of t...
Factores curativos en el psicoanlisis de hijos de sobrevivientes del Holocausto antes y despus de la Guerra del GolfoAtuação (PsicologiaComplexo de ÉdipoGuerraHolocaustoFerimentos e LesõesPsicanáliseIn this paper, I have attempted to explore the curative effect of insight and relational ...
A psychoanalytical ethics must consider these elements if it wants to make a contribution to the contemporary debate and particularly to the emancipatory project of which it is part.BornhauserUniversidad Andres BelloNiklasUniversidad Andres BelloAlpha: Revista de Artes, Letras y Filosofía...
This is particularly important when the recommended agent is a new and/or infrequently employed drug.Disclaimer: The statements, opinions and data contained in this publication are solely those of the individual authors and contributors and not of the publishers and the editor(s). The appearance ...
The concept of social agency is also mentioned as fundamental for building a livable world. The text highlights the importance of context, intersubjective relationship, and emotional connection in relational psychoanalysis, as well as the importance of the body and self-care in therapy.Giachello, ...
ENTRE EL PSICOANLISIS Y LA INSTITUCIN: UN DISPOSITIVO PSICOANALTICO EN UNA INSTITUCIN DE SALUD MENTAL EN COLOMBIAdoi:10.17533/udea.affs.v118n34a08This paper is the result of a thoughtful process on psychoanalytic practice at a mental health institution in Bogotá, Colombia...
In this context, he sketches a possible response to the criticisms that Wittgenstein directed to psychoanalysis, pondering them from three central notions in Jacques Lacan's work: causality, fiction and the idea of subject. In a second time, the article proposes to th...
Purpose: Analyze the way the contributions of the Psychoanalysis and Logotherapy may be integrated when dealing with obsessive neurotics in a therapy. Methodology: A systematic review of the literature was conducted, adopting a critical perspective and taking as primary ...