方法/步骤 1 打开一个vue文件,添加el-progress进度条组件。如图 2 在el-progress组件上添加stroke-width属性,设置值为20,用于设置进度条的高度为20px高。如图 3 保存vue文件后使用浏览器打开,这时候就可以看到el-progress进度条的高度已经变为20px的大小了。如图 ...
-- 创建活动 -->34<template>5<div>6<el-form class="create-form"7:model="dataForm"8:rules="dataRule"9ref="ruleForm"10label-width="110px">11<FromBlock :blockObj="{title:'基础设置',tip:'',showBtn:false}">12<div>13<el-form-item label="活动主题:" prop="title">14<el-input v-...
<div> <el-upload class="upload-demo" action="" :on-preview="handlePreview" :on-remove="handleRemove" :before-upload="beforeUpload" :file-list="fileList" :on-exceed="handleExceed" :on-success="handleSuccess" :on-error="handleError" :on-progress="handleProgress" :http-request="request" ...
progress: fix progress sometimes cannot done (#388) (8360b1d) route: ensure that the first level menu can be hidden (e2cc5af) table: ensure that the height calculation is correct close #395 (1d7608e) table: fix table check column configuration failure close #391 (c3096e2) tree: ensure...
iOS-CircleProgressView - 这个空间允许用户用代码或者 interface builder 初始化或创建并渲染一个圆形的进度条视图。★ Hamburger-Menu-Button - 一个高度可定制的汉堡包菜单按钮。★ DGElasticPullToRefresh - iOS 弹性下拉刷新控件,Swift 实现。★ HTYTextField - 一个有弹性的站位文字的 UITextField。★ JDStatus...
Willing to learn and progress.肯学习进取。 Good presentation skills.有良好的表达能力。 Positive active mind essential.有积极、灵活的头脑。 Ability to deal with personnel at all levels effectively.善于同各种人员打交道。 Have positive work attitude and be willing and able to work diligently without ...
BAWKWebView - 用分类封装 WKWebView,一行代码搞定 request、URL、URLString、本地 HTML文件、HTMLString等请求,一个 block 搞定 title、progress、currentURL、当前网页的高度等等所需. WKWebView - A drop-in replacement of UIWebView - useful until Apple release a bug-free WKWebView. Erik - Erik is ...
Investors were heartened by the progress in the trade negotiations between the world's two largest economies as they await the signing of the first phase of a trade deal agreed on by both sides earlier this month.
The twenty-first Century is the century of information technology, telecommunications and Internet technologies to promote the progress of human civilization.Home intelligent control system to improve the Home Furnishing safety, convenience, comfort, artistic, and realize environmental protection Energy saving...
iOS-CircleProgressView - 这个空间允许用户用代码或者 interface builder 初始化或创建并渲染一个圆形的进度条视图。★ Hamburger-Menu-Button - 一个高度可定制的汉堡包菜单按钮。★ DGElasticPullToRefresh - iOS 弹性下拉刷新控件,Swift 实现。★ HTYTextField - 一个有弹性的站位文字的 UITextField。★ JDStatus...