The IESS (The Ecuadorian Institute of Social Security) has the purpose of protect the affiliate and jubilate people; one of IESS’S functions is to give an integral function, that’s why the institute would like to solve the serious problems about a healthy problem. One part of the target ...
Chickens carrying OAS*A/B produce two types of synthetase with molecular masses of 58 and 54kDa, and those carrying OAS*A/A produce only a single type of 58kDa.Juegos OlímpicosJuegos OlímpicosEL PAÍS
if history, travel and image lean on comparativeness, weaving persistencies, appropriations, transformations and hybridisms of the iconographic in all levels, then it constitutes a vast research program open to interdisciplinary dialogue.Miriam Lagoaanais do museu paulista história e cultura material...
Two important parameters influencing technique selection are stream static pressure and temperature. Sampling of all streams takes place at approximately atmospheric pressure for both the atmospheric and pressurized FBC systems.Juan José MateoAnalytical Methods for Coal & Coal Products...
Felipe Reyes deja la selección tras los Juegos Olímpicosdoi:10.1051/water/197414035n47120* --isotope & radiation source technology--isotope separation (industrial)--uraniumnuclear fuels--enrichmentseparation nozzle methoduranium isotopes-- separation nozzle method...
People use Facebook to keep up with friends, upload an unlimited number of photos, post links and videos, and learn more about the people they meet.Ciencia ficciónBiblioteca Nacional De Maestros
Finally, a parametric study is proposed with the influence of the main design parameters on the occurrence of instabilities.Luis Martín
Of these, 29 dogs were parasitised by one or more helminth species. The parasites found were intestinal nematodes (59.52%) and cestodes (47.61%). Differences between urban stray dogs and feral dogs are discussed.Diego TorresRevue Scientifique Et Technique De Loie...
Coe contra OvettPat Butcher