Believe it or not, the last 3 winters have been underLa Ninaconditions, and typically those are less severe especially when it comes to precipitation than the currentEl Ninoweather pattern we are going to remain within for the entirety of this winter. Will Texas winter be even worse this ye...
Believe it or not, the last 3 winters have been underLa Ninaconditions, and typically those are less severe especially when it comes to precipitation than the currentEl Ninoweather pattern we are going to remain within for the entirety of this winter. Will Texas winter be even worse this ye...
Believe it or not, the last 3 winters have been underLa Ninaconditions, and typically those are less severe especially when it comes to precipitation than the currentEl Ninoweather pattern we are going to remain within for the entirety of this winter. Will Texas winter be even worse this ye...
"Recent memory of the last strong El Niño we had 1996-97, which sticks in a lot of folks' minds, but actually, we had the strongest El Niño on record just a couple years ago and we had an average winter," Mead said. Of course, this past winter stands out for...
I would find that this phenomenon happens right about the same time each year - that would be now - somewhere near the end of January or the beginning of February.This is not some big weather phenomenon I'm talking about. This is something much plainer and simpler. I'm sick of winter!
Here’s a look at what these weather events are, why they happen, and whether scientists think they’re getting stronger.
He adds that, "El Niño played its role in 1998, as it couldpotentiallydo [again] this winter." RELATED:El Niño turns strong and still growing as winter fast approaches An essential element In addition t...
Based on what we have seen duringprevious strong El Niño winters, it is possible that a mild pattern will continue to dominate for most of the winter. However, we have several reasons to believe that this winter...
The seasons are changing. You can already feel it in the air in Northern Colorado. Soon enough the leaves will change, the temperatures will drop, and we will be experiencing winter yet again. Canva In the past 66 years, Colorado has experienced eight strong El Nino periods. TheNational Oce...
(MORE:Winter Storm Central|Wunderground El Niño Infographic) Jonathan Erdman is a senior meteorologist at and has been an incurable weather geek since a tornado narrowly missed his childhood home in Wisconsin at age 7. Follow him onTwitterandGoogle Plus. ...