考虑到强厄尔尼诺事件的持续影响,2024年GMST仍可能继续超过2023年再创历史新高,将大概率突破1.5°C气候变化阈值。同时2024年的异常偏暖则可能覆盖全球大陆,极大地增加了高温热浪、干旱、森林火灾发生的可能性,需引起警惕(Li et al., 2024)。需要注意的是,由于1.5°C控温目标考察的是气候长期平均值,今明两年GMST受...
WINTER 2024:El Niño will play a critical role in the weeks ahead For many locations, from B.C. to northwestern Ontario, it wasthe warmest December on record, and fromsouthern Ontarioto Atlantic Canada, several locales docume...
考虑到强厄尔尼诺事件的持续影响,2024年GMST仍可能继续超过2023年再创历史新高,将大概率突破1.5°C气候变化阈值。同时2024年的异常偏暖则可能覆盖全球大陆,极大地增加了高温热浪、干旱、森林火灾发生的可能性,需引起警惕(Li et al., 20...
2025 Hurricane Landfall Predictions, 90% Accurate 6-months in advance - 13 Years Running for 13 Zones, Tracking Webinars 15 days prior to landfal, United States, Florida, Texas, Louisiana, Lesser Antilles, climate change global warming cooling, 2024-25 w
WINTER 2024:El Niño will play a critical role in the weeks ahead El Niño’s influence is the true wild card El Niño’s pattern of unusually warm waters in the eastern Pacific Ocean sends a ripple effect through the atmosphere that slices right ...
Also there could be an El Niño Modoki in the winter of 2025–2026 (marginal). Very probably La Niña Modoki events will occur in the winters of 2020–2021 and 2030–2031. Of course the projected event around 2030 is more than 10 years ahead; caution should be used here. These are...
The 500 mb winter composite anomaly maps of both AO modes reveal contrasting atmospheric circulation patterns for the polar regions of the AO, as compared to those at Mid-Latitudes (Figure 5). Winter temperatures during the positive mode of the AO indicate colder temperatures in Greenland, ...
If the current El Niño follows precedent, this year’s summer, hurricane season,winterand the spring 2024severe weatherseason will all be impacted by the climate pattern’s sphere of influence. The duration of the event could depend on its severity, and some computer models make the 2023-24...
We’re likely going to feel El Niño’s influence across Canada this winter, which could mean milder conditions for some and an active storm track for others