The meaning of EL NIÑO is an irregularly recurring flow of unusually warm surface waters from the Pacific Ocean toward and along the western coast of South America that prevents upwelling of nutrient-rich cold deep water and that disrupts typical regi
Later, when scientists noted that in some years this warm current flow is more intense than usual, they adopted the name and applied it to that more potent but erratic climatic phenomenon. Now El Niño is used almost exclusively for the severe episodes rather than for the annual ones to ...
The scientists said human-caused climate change was the primary driver for record temperatures, while other factors such as the Pacific Ocean's "El Nino" weather phenomenon, which raises global temperatures, also had an effect. FromBBC Natural weather patterns such as El Niño - where surface ...
话说,当时我一看到这个我就想起nino了~、、 厄尔尼诺现象(西班牙语:El Niño),又称圣婴现象,是秘鲁、厄瓜多尔一带的渔民用以称呼一种异常气候现象的名词。 主要指太平洋东部和中部的热带海洋的海水温度异常地持续变暖,使整个世界气候模式发生变化,造成一些地区干旱而另一些地区又降雨量过多。其出现频率并不...
el nino【西】埃尔-尼诺海流(指沿秘鲁海岸向南流动的一支暖流 El Ninon. 【西】【气】埃尔尼诺(圣婴)现象(指严重影响全球气候的太平洋热带海域的大风及海水的大规模移动) The El Nino phenomenon that brews up in the sout el nino southern oscillationphr. 一种更剧烈的厄尔尼诺现象 ...
大学英语presentation,Elnino phenomenon ElNiñoPhenomenon(厄尔尼诺)Contents:1.What’sElninophenomenon?2.Cause:Howthisphenomenoncomesinto being?3.Effect4.Conclusion WhatisElNiñoPhenomenon?.Thewarmandnegativephase(阶段)oftheEl NiñoSouthernOscillation(ENSO循环)Aboveaverage...
bundan t in the nort h ;but it is overloa ding an d there ar e substantive surp lus labo rs of ag riculture in the so uth .S o constru cting harmonious hu— man—lan d relationship,it is prerequisite to protect g eo graphic env ironment ,elevate general throughput of ag ri— ...
网络厄尔尼诺 网络释义 1. 厄尔尼诺 厄尔尼诺(Elninophenomenon)近些年报刊上在谈到气象、海洋灾害时往往提到厄尔尼诺这个名词。|基于4个网页
An essay or paper on El Nino Phenomenon. The El Nio Southern Oscillation phenomenon affects the global climate; it is important that scientists, economists and medical personnel understand El Nio implications on the climate. The El Nio phenomenon is
El Nino is a natural phenomenon(现象). It appears(出现) when sea surface temperatures(温度) in the tropical (热带的) Pacific Ocean rise to above-normal levels for a long time. El Nino causes different weather in different parts of the world. It causes a lot of rain in some places and...