El Nino-La Nina cycle and recent trends in continental evaporation. Nature Climate Change, 4, 122-126.D. G. Miralles et al. 2014. El Nino-La Nina cycle and recent trends in continental evaporation. Nature Climate Change 4, 2 (2014), 122-126....
P67上(1,2)---厄尔尼诺el nino小男孩,拉尼娜la nina小女孩,上升补偿流,沃克环流---东边日出西边雨 15:49 P67下(3,4)---海雾和寒暖流,雾主要看水汽多,温度低 08:32 P68(全)---经向热通量,黄海海水跃层,黑潮,海洋淡水输入,副高 19:17 P69(1,2,3,6,7)---凌汛的流量图,南方涛动指数(SOI)...
The ENSO cycle's warm phase is represented by it. In the eastern and central equatorial Pacific, there is a periodic decrease of sea surface temperatures known as La Nina. What is the El Nino and La Nina effect? What are El Nino and La Nina years? Is El Niño wet or dry? Is La...
El Niño and La Niña are parts of an oscillation in the ocean-atmosphere system (called the El Niño Southern Oscillation, or ENSO cycle) that can impact weather and climate conditions across the globe. El Niño features warmer-than-average temperatures in the waters of the equatorial Pa...
Running 3-Month Mean ONI values https://origin.cpc.ncep.noaa.gov/products/analysis_monitoring/ensostuff/ONI_v5.php WE=Weak El Niño, ME=Moderate El Niño, SE=Strong El Niño, VSE=Very Strong El Niño WL=Weak La Niña, ML=Moderate La Niña, SL=Strong La Niña ENSO Type...
A range of factors influence our global complex climate patterns, including El Niño and La Niña. Any Spanish speakers will know they roughly translate to "The Boy" and "The Girl," but who, or what, are they and how do we know when they're responsible for causing weather-related cha...
The whole cycle is known as El Nino-Southern Oscillation. 整个周期被称为厄尔尼诺-南方涛动。 It is made up of El Nino, the Pacific's warm phase; La Nina, the cold side; and a neutral phase in between. The whole thing tends to play itself out every two to seven years. ...
The status of whether the world is being impacted by an El Nino or a La Nina is determined by water temperatures in the central and eastern Pacific. (NOAA) Water temperatures in the Pacific play a prominent role in climate patterns around the world and fall under a classification known as ...