1999 . The El-Niño-triggered landslides and their socioeconomic impact on Kenya. Environmental Geology 38: 277 – 284 .Ngecu, W.M. & Mathu, E.M., 1999. The El Nino-triggered landslides and their socioeconomic impact on Kenya. Environmental Geology, 38 (4): 277-284....
The Sky News weather presenter added a switch back to El Nino could mean a hotter than usual 2024 in the UK though - and a frostier than usual winter beforehand. She said: "The WMO suggest that El Nino will arrive by the end of summer which would increase the chances of 'h...
El Nino and La Nina Facts for UPSC The trade winds that blow from east to west intensify during La Nina. The 1997–98 El Nino was the first to be systematically tracked from beginning to end. The 1997–1998 events had an impact on many areas; Peru and California had significant rain an...
El Nino-Southern Oscillation is known to have significant impact on United States hydroclimatology. The warm and cool phases of ENSO, El Nino and La Nina respectively, tend to have opposite effects in certain regions of the western US. These effects are also in opposition between the Pacific ...
(ONI) to model the impact of past El Niño events in Malaysia in terms of production and economic losses. FFBI is derived from Malaysian monthly FFB yields from January 1986 to July 2021 in the same way ONI is derived from monthly sea surface temperatures (SST). With FFBI model, the ...
Jonathan Erdman is a senior meteorologist at weather.com and has been an incurable weather geek since a tornado narrowly missed his childhood home in Wisconsin at age 7. Follow him onTwitterandGoogle Plus. MORE ON WEATHER.COM: Deepest Snow in All 50 States ...
El Nino's impact]]>Reports that an Inter-Agency Task Force on El Nino, was established by the United Nations (UN), to assist both multilateral and bilateral donors better coordinate their responses. Impact of the El Nino on countries in Afric...
Large scale atmospheric circulation's and climatic anomalies have been shown to have a significant impact on seasonal weather over many parts of the world. In the present paper an attempt has been made to examine regional monsoon dynamics in relation with El Nino and La Nina episodes. The inves...
El Nino/Southern Oscillation response to global warming. The El Ni帽o/Southern Oscillation (ENSO) phenomenon, originating in the Tropical Pacific, is the strongest natural interannual climate signal and has wides... M,Latif,N,... - 《Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the Unite...
www.nature.com/scientificreports OPEN Impact of the 2015 El Nino event on winter air quality in China received: 19 July 2016 accepted: 12 September 2016 Published: 27 September 2016 Luyu Chang1,2, Jianming Xu1,2, Xuexi Tie3,4,5 & Jianbin Wu1,2 During the winter of 2015, ...