(b) 2010~2023年GMST的三个分量的年际增量(当年相较于前一年的增长值),黑线代表Nino3.4指数,2023年的年际增量和Nino3.4指数都包含预测结果。(c) 2023年1~10月ANV和Nino3.4的散点图,不同的颜色代表Nino3.4的强度。黑线为ANV和Nino3.4的线性回归。(d) 2023年预测的全球表面温度(ST)相对于2022观测值的增量。
(b) 2010~2023年GMST的三个分量的年际增量(当年相较于前一年的增长值),黑线代表Nino3.4指数,2023年的年际增量和Nino3.4指数都包含预测结果。(c) 2023年1~10月ANV和Nino3.4的散点图,不同的颜色代表Nino3.4的强度。黑线为ANV和...
Influence on Southwest Monsoon: Although there’s no direct correlation, El Nino Phenomenon often coincides with weaker monsoons in India, leading to below-average rainfall. Current Status of El Nino: The 2023-24 El Nino has peaked and is weakening, impacting global climate, with sea surface tem...
12, 2023, 5:08 AM Forecasters see a decent chance that El Niño will grow stronger in the weeks and months ahead, affecting weather patterns from Australia to NewfoundlandEl Niño conditions are here at last—and there are signs that this event could intensify as ...
El Nino conditions are set to disrupt the power sectors of various markets across Latin America, stemming from downside risks to hydropower generation. This, in turn, constitutes an upside risk to natural gas demand in Central America, the Caribbean and north-eastern South America over the near-...
El Nino is widely recognized as the warming of the sea surface temperature, which occurs every few years.
El Nino conditions are set to disrupt the power sectors of various markets across Latin America, stemming from downside risks to hydropower generation. This, in turn, constitutes an upside risk to natural gas demand in Central America, the Caribbean and north-eastern South America over the near-...
The latest data from the National Climate Center in Beijing indicates that a moderate El Nino event is expected to persist until spring next year and may result in the year 2023 surpassing 2016 as the warmest year since 1850. According to the World Meteorological Organization, El Nino is a na...
README.md update Github Dec 8, 2023 Repository files navigation README Climate-ElNino-DeepLearning CS269 Group Project Authors: Allen Cheung (allencheung@ucla.edu), Garrick Su (g2su@cs.ucla.edu), Tianying Zhu (tianyingzhu@cs.ucla.edu) CS@UCLA The primary goal of this work is to develop...
For three years, the opposite of El Nino - the cooling La Nina weather pattern - has been dominant in the Pacific Ocean. This has lowered global temperatures slightly - but 2023 will see the return of the warmer counterpart. Wilfran Moufouma Okia, head of the UN's World Meteorol...