The El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO) is the dominant and most consequential climate variation on Earth, and is characterized by warming of equatorial Pacific sea surface temperatures (SSTs) during the El Niño phase and cooling during the La Niña phase. ENSO events tend to have a cent... OPEN Impact of the 2015 El Nino event on winter air quality in China received: 19 July 2016 accepted: 12 September 2016 Published: 27 September 2016 Luyu Chang1,2, Jianming Xu1,2, Xuexi Tie3,4,5 & Jianbin Wu1,2 During the winter of 2015, ...
As goes El Nino, so goes Aedes aegypti, some public health officials fear. As climatic events become more pronounced, the range and prevalence of a mosquito whose disease-transmitting ways already put half the world's population at risk might expand even more.USA TODAY...
More rainfall than normal also falls on the islands east of Indonesia, while Indonesia itself and Northern Australia suffer drought. In some cases, further-ranging effects of El Niño have been observed: increased precipitation in southern Argentina, the southern states of the USA and northern ...
Raphael adopted his own peculiar singing style from the beginning ; he is known for acting each one of his songs while on stage , emphasizing his gestures with high dramatic effect. It is not unusual for Raphael to ad lib lyrics as to localize a song depending on the venue he's singing...
Changes ~ A change in ocean temperature can affect weather patterns for long periods of time. ~Every few years, such a change occurs in the Pacific Ocean. El Niño ~ An unusual warming of the surface water in the eastern Pacific Ocean near the equator is known as El Niño. ~This cau...
Absolute Water Temperature This map shows the development of the Pacific Ocean's surface water temperatures in the last 12 weeks. The Philippines can be found on the extreme left side of the map. In the center are the islands of Hawaii and on the right side are parts of the USA, Mexico...
Rich countries gain more from powerful Nino, on balance, than they lose. A study found that a strong Nino in 1997-98 helped American’s economy grow by 15 billion, partly because of better agricultural harvests: farmers in the Midwest gained from extra rain. The total rise in agricultural ...
2. These results support the idea that the recent climatological warming in WHWP plays an important role in the WHWP–El Nino connection. Figure 2 Lagged influence of WHWP–SST on the Pacific. Lagged correlation maps of SST (shading; above 90% confidence level is hatched), SLP (contour; ...
et al. Increasing frequency of extreme El Nino events due to greenhouse warming. Nat. Clim. Change 4, 111–116 (2014). Article Google Scholar An, S.-I. & Choi, J. Inverse relationship between the equatorial eastern Pacific annual-cycle and ENSO amplitudes in a coupled general circulation...