El Nino and La Nina Effect Since 1950, ten out of India’s thirteen droughts have happened during El Nino years, and one during a La Nina year. This is because El Nino usually brings less rain to India. Indian agriculture relies heavily on monsoon rains, so when there is less rain, cr...
Boulder team sheds light on El Nino effects in India.(News)Erickson, Jim
El Niño also has a strong effect on marine life off the Pacific coast. During El Niño, upwelling weakens or stops altogether. Without the nutrients from the deep, there are fewer phytoplankton off the coast. This affects fish that eat phytoplankton and, in turn, affects everything that ...
1990. Interaction between anomalous winter monsoon in East Asia and El Niño events. Adv Atmos Sci, 7: 36–46 Li C Y, Smith I. 1995. Numerical simulation of the tropical intraseasonal oscillation and the effect of warm SSTs. Acta Meteor Sin, 9: 1–12 Li C Y, Long Z X, Zhang Q ...
According to WMO Secretary-General Petteri Taalas, climate change is influencing the traditional dynamics of El Nino and La Nina events as well as their impacts. The Year 2018 started out with a weak La Nina event but its cooling effect was not enough to reduce the overall warming trend, wh...
The El Nino phenomenon was originally named by Peruvian fishermen back in the 17th century. They noticed that the waters would often get warmer around Christmas time. They named this effect El Nino which means little boy in Spanish. When capitalized, El Nino refers to the Christ child and it...
Many studies have highlighted an asymmetry in rainfall anomalies over India between the warm phase (El Niño) and the cold phase (La Niña) of the El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO). However, the extent to which the distinctive phases of ENSO influence the asymmetry pattern of Sri Lanka...
1995. Numerical simulation of the tropical intraseasonal oscillation and the effect of warm SSTs. Acta Meteor Sin, 9: 1-12 [21] Li C Y, Long Z X, Zhang Q Y. 2001. Strong/weak summer monsoon activity over the South China Sea and atmospheric intraseasonal oscillation. Adv Atmos Sci, 18:...
In the present paper an attempt has been made to examine regional monsoon dynamics in relation with El Nino and La Nina episodes. The investigation was earned out for the meteorological sub- division's comprising the areas of Haryana, Delhi and Chandigarh in India. The monthly monsoon rainfall ...
While there is still uncertainty as to exactly when El Nio will develop, and an even greater uncertainty regarding its potential severity, FAO's update looks at the potential changes in weather patterns that may occur and their possible impacts on food production. The effect on agriculture will ...