The El Nino Southern Oscillation system is composed of El Nino and La Nina — two opposite states of fluctuation in the Earth's climate system, which can have significant consequences on weather, wildfires, ecosystems and economies across the world. Professor Adam Scaife, head of long...
12, 2023, 5:08 AM Forecasters see a decent chance that El Niño will grow stronger in the weeks and months ahead, affecting weather patterns from Australia to NewfoundlandEl Niño conditions are here at last—and there are signs that this event could intensify as ...
In 2023, the development of El Niño is poised to drive a global upsurge in surface air temperatures (SAT), potentially resulting in unprecedented warming worldwide. Nevertheless, the regional patterns of SAT anomalies remain diverse, obscuring where h
El Ni帽o with its large ecological consequences; The case of fires in BorneoEmilien J
Analysts have sincewarnedthat extreme weather driven by the climate crisis could increase the frequency of Ever Given-like events, with potentially far-reaching consequences for supply chains, food security and regional economies. Vessels waiting to cross Panama Canal from Pacific Ocean side. Red squar...
Metrics Abstract The El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO) is the largest source of interannual climate variability in much of the tropics. We hypothesize that tropical plants exhibit interannual variation in reproduction and resource acquisition strategies driven by ENSO that mirrors their seasonal respo...
El Nino Atlantic Ocean El Niño Is Here. How Bad Will It Be? June 30, 2023 Hot on the heels of a three-year La Niña global weather pattern, the planet seems to be headed into what could be a strong El Niño event with worldwide consequences.This El Niño might turn out to...
GENEVA, May 3, 2023 (BSS/AFP) - The United Nations warned Wednesday of a growing likelihood the weather phenomenon El Nino will develop in coming months, fuelling higher global temperatures and possibly new heat records. The UN's World Meteorological Organization said it now estima...
Hansen, K. (2023, June 21).El Nino returns. NASA Earth Observatory. Moore, J. (2023, June 8).NOAA declares the arrival of El Nino. National Weather Service.
As El Niño forms and strengthens later this year, Peru could be at even greater risk of more flooding. The government is already set to invest more than $1 billion on climate and weather measures to prevent the worst consequences.