Record hot years typically coincide with El Niño, which gives a boost to the overall warming trend. “The development of an El Niño will most likely lead to a new spike in global heating and increase the chance of breaking temperature records,” WMO Secretary-General Petteri Taalas said...
El Nino — or "the little boy" in Spanish — is widely recognized as the warming of the sea surface temperature, which occurs every few years. An El Nino event is declared when sea temperatures in the tropical eastern Pacific rise 0.5 degrees Celsius above the long-term average. ...
KANSAS CITY — The earth shook for a short period of time in spring 2023 when it was announced El Nino was evolving. Forecasts of doom and gloom were tossed about in many markets as forecasters jumped the gun predicting a devastating year for the world's tropical crops like oil palm, ...
It probably won't surprise you that La Nina - El Nino's opposite - means "the girl". A major El Nino event usually occurs every three to seven years and could last for several months at a time. The strongest El Nino episodes were in 1997 to 1998 and 2015 to 2016. When ...
El Nino and La Nina Warming sea surfaces in the tropical Pacific, in an image released July 5th, 2012. There's a greater than 50 percent chance that El Niño conditions will develop during the second half of 2012. (Image credit: NOAA/National Weather Service) El Niño and La Niña...
The WMO chief predicted that the anticipated El Nino would not be as powerful as the 2015-2016 events, but it will still have considerable impacts, warning that advance prediction of this event will help save many lives and considerable economic losses. ...
According to the WMO, model predictions and expert opinion indicate a 50-to-60 percent chance that the ocean and atmosphere will couple, and a weak El Nino event will become established during the March-May 2019 season. However, a strong event, in which sea surface temperatures in the east...
WASHINGTON (AP) — An El Nino, which can alter weather worldwide, has formed but it's so weak and late that it shouldn't be a big deal, U.S. forecasters said.
SunSirs: Thailand (NER) Rubber Company: El Nino Phenomenon will Affect Rubber Supply,Natural rubber,Rubber & plastics
El Nino events are characterized by an unusual warming of the central to eastern equatorial Pacific, which can last up to one year, according to meteorologists. The remote "ripple effects" can be found in the atmosphere as well as ocean currents and ecosystems. During an El Nino event, warme...