El Niño events typically have a noticeable effect on winter weather across Canada, bringing above-seasonal temperatures to some and a risk for rollicking winter storms to others. Here’s an early look at how El Niño could influence...
WATCH: Canada's 2023 Fall Forecast: Is a 'super' El Niño possible? Forecasters see the potential for a ‘historically strong’ El Nino Forecasters raised eyebrows in their mid-October update by raising the prospect of a ‘historically strong’ event in the month...
为量化2023年全球增暖程度并厘清2023年GMST爆发式增长现象中自然变率和全球变暖的相对贡献,大气所博士生李柯欣、郑飞研究员、朱江研究员和曾庆存院士最新发表在《大气科学进展》的文章(Li et al., 2024)中,依据大气所GMST统计集合预测模型从2023年11月起报的结果,提前2个月预测2023年GMST将达1.41 ± 0.07 °C(...
为量化2023年全球增暖程度并厘清2023年GMST爆发式增长现象中自然变率和全球变暖的相对贡献,大气所博士生李柯欣、郑飞研究员、朱江研究员和曾庆存院士最新发表在《大气科学进展》的文章(Li et al., 2024)中,依据大气所GMST统计集合预测...
nutrient-rich water to the surface. These cold waters in the Pacific push the jet stream northward. This tends to lead to drought in the southern U.S. and heavy rains and flooding in the Pacific Northwest and Canada. During a La Niña year, winter temperatures are warmer than normal in...
El Nino Could Bring Normal Weather Patterns Back to Southern California Next WinterAn El Nino could materialize in the central Pacific next winter,bringing waves of drought-buster...Scauzillo, Steve
Will Texas winter be even worse this year as El Nino gains in strength? El Niño Is Getting STRONGER! Huge For Winter! (2023/2024) Subscribe to101.5 KNUEon Sign up for the 101.5 KNUE Newsletter If you are a believer in theOld Farmer's Almanac, which has been predicting the weather fo...
Will Texas winter be even worse this year as El Nino gains in strength? El Niño Is Getting STRONGER! Huge For Winter! (2023/2024) Subscribe toKLAQ El Pasoon Sign up for the KLAQ El Paso Newsletter If you are a believer in theOld Farmer's Almanac, which has been predicting the weat...
Paul Heggen reports on what could happen to the Bay Area this El Niño winter in terms of rain (10-19-2023)Oct 20, 2023 embed code copied Live Now CBS News 24/7 CBS News Baltimore CBS News Bay Area CBS News Boston CBS News Chicago CBS News Colorado CBS News Detroit CBS...
Swain: To completely replace all the water that California is missing over this current four-year drought, on average we'd need well in excess of double our annual precipitation in this coming winter. That's never happened before, so it's unlikely to happen even with a large El Niño ev...