厄尔尼诺一词源自西班牙文El Niño,原意是“小男孩”,也指圣婴,即耶稣,用来表示在 南美洲西海岸(秘鲁和厄瓜多尔附近)向西延伸,经赤道太平洋至日期变更线附近的海面温度
doi:10.1029/EO065i006p00041-03AnonymousEos Transactions American Geophysical Union
由于赤道东太平洋SST异常(ElNiño现象),大气中的Hadley环流将会增强。ITCZ(赤道辐合带)的位置有明显的东移趋势,这必将影响西太平洋台风运动。 厄尔尼诺使中高纬度西风加强,阿留申低压往往比正常时强,因而常给北美西岸造成频繁的强风暴活动,暴风雨和风暴浪、风暴潮更加严重。
【mi príncipe】进球 el niño~~~图图集只看楼主 收藏 回复 托托A梦 ~~~留~~~ 顺序上会有点乱~~~ 回复 托托A梦 很久远的~~~小屁孩~~~ 回复 托托A梦 ~~~ 回复 托托A梦 成熟了点~~ 回复 托托A梦 贴点世界杯的 回复 托托A梦 ·· 回复 托托A梦 ·· ...
Warm weather brought by El Niño has had mixed effects on animals in usually snowy places in North America including New England according to an Associated Press article. Some animals seem to benefit from having a chance to gather more
And when it does, look out. The warmer Pacific Ocean pours heat and moisture into the atmosphere, disturbing the usual airflow patterns and messing up weather around the world. Although the 1997-98 El Niño event was stronger, Trenberth says this current one is the strongest in a decade....
Linacre L y Lavaniegos B. 2002. Communi- ty structure of euphausiids in the southern part of the California Current during Oc- tober 1997 (El Nino) and October 1999 (La Nina). Revista Investigaciones Marinas, 30 (1): 117-118.
Fraisse C, Cabrera V, Breuer N, Báez J, Quispe J, Matos E (2008) El Niño southern oscillation influences on soybean yields in eastern Paraguay. Int J Climatol 28:1399–1407Fraisse CW, Cabrera VE, Breuer NE, Baez J, Quispe J, Matos E (2008) El Nino - Southern Oscillation ...
踢球 用西班牙语怎么讲书上是Juego al fútbol.但有个委内瑞拉的人说没有alEl niño está jugando fútbol.到底有没al,还是是因为时态不同?
西班牙语问题¿En cuanto a los niños pobres que no tienen ordenadores en casa?en cuanto Pero yo más bien no tendré el tiempo para aprender.más desde luego是什么意思呢 pero necesito dinero para comprarle a mi papá el coche.