For art aficionados, El Museo del Prado is a Mecca of sorts, offering an opportunity to view some of the most famous paintings in the world in an atmosphere that is both reverential and inviting. The Prado's staff is knowledgeable and eager to share information about the collection, providing...
今天去了el Museo del Prado普拉多博物馆,西班牙的有名画家Goya戈雅,Velazquez许多镇馆作品都在这里了。还有著名的《宫娥》las meninas,之前有在国内见到但完全不知道啊哈哈哈,还有果体的马哈maja desnudo,不给照相就买个明信片纪念一下。还有今儿中午吃的土豆饼,加了啥味道酸酸的,盲猜是加了肉吧,和原味的比起来我...
普拉多(El museo del prado)博物馆虽比不上法国的卢浮宫,但也非常值得一看。从时间上讲,5月份是游览马德里的最好季 …|基于8个网页 2. 布拉多博物馆 布拉多博物馆 (el Museo del Prado)、特森•波内米萨博物馆 (Thyssen-Bornemisza)、索非亚王后国家艺术中心博物馆 (Museo N…|...
EL MUSEO DEL PRADO EN LA FORMACIN DE LAS PINTORAS NAVARRAS A TRAVS DE LOS LIBROS, REGISTROS E NDICES DE COPISTASdoi:10.1387/ars-bilduma.23429WOMEN paintersGENDERTWENTIETH centuryMUSEUMSDOCUMENTATIONThis paper deals with the work as copyists carried out by Navarres...
bien和buen的用法要怎么区分? 第3句,可不可以也说为 No hay ningún persona habla por el móvil? 这个地方可以说为 Anita ayuda a mi a estudiar español 吗 这个地方cierran是cerrar的第三人称复数变位吗?后面是el Museo del Prado,是不是应该用第三人称单数变位呢? 关于...
L21-0102¿Dónde está el Museo del Prado? 182021-08 4 L20-03¡Dígame! 喂!打电话基础会话 152021-07 5 L20-0102¡Dígame! 喂!打电话 句型单词 72021-07 6 L19-03A¿Por qué no vamos al cine? 基础会话 92021-07 7 L19-0102¿Por qué no vamos al cine? 句型和单词 122021-07 8...
Until 17 September, Room 9B of the Villanueva Building is housing the exhibition Picasso, El Greco and Analytical Cubism. Sponsored by the Fundación Amigos del Museo del Prado and with the collaboration of the Comunidad de Madrid, it focuses on Picasso
为什么¿Qué día cierran el Museo del Prado?这里cierran是第三人称复数变位呢?不应该是单数么… 网校学员fou**在学习西班牙语零起点0-B2高级直达【9月班】时提出了此问题,已有1人帮助了TA。 网校助教 Tita秋小米 同学你好,该知识点来自沪江网校《西班牙语零起点0-B2高级直达【9月班】》的课程,想要更...
his letters and drawings from that period reveal that he spent more time at theMuseo del Pradocopying works by the great Old Masters than at the Academy itself. “El Greco, Velázquez, inspire me!” and “I, El Greco” are phrases that appear on drawings from those years. They consti...