EL MONTE » More than a week after officials announced that EricMcBride would be the city's next...Kimitch, Rebecca
“They were good men,” Capt. Ben Lowry, the El Monte Police Department’s acting chief, said of the officers. “These two heroes paid the ultimate sacrifice today. They were murdered by a coward.” Lowry asked the community to keep the officers’ families in their prayers. “I’ve hear...
EL MONTE, Calif. (AP) — Two suspects were arrested Sunday after allegedly breaking into three homes in a Los Angeles County neighborhood then tying up and striking some people inside, according to the El Monte Police Department.
El Monte was their oasis. The early settlement, bordered by Rio Hondo and the San Gabriel River, was lush with a plentiful water supply and vegetation. It became known as “El Monte, the end of the Santa Fe Trail.”
Located in EL Monte, about 50 kilometers from Chile’s capital city of Santiago, a new animal sanctuary (庇护所) Santuario Igualdad Interspecie is considered as 61 heaven for farm animals. It 62 (set) up by Anriel Maluenda and Marisol de la Reguera, two animal activists (积极分子), who...
It wound its way through surface streets in El Monte before coming to an end at Garvey and Musgrove avenues. The suspect jumped out of the car and may have run into a nearby apartment complex, according to CHP. With guns drawn, El Monte police and CHP officers formed a perimeter and se...
简介 San Fernando is a small police station in Madrid, where Chief Castilla and the officers under his command handle all kinds of cases. 演职人员全部 伊格纳西奥·梅塞罗导演 豪尔赫·托雷格罗萨导演 科尔多·塞拉导演 Juanjo Artero饰: Charlie Márquez Zutoia Alarcia饰: Inspectora Elena Serrano Lola...
(Placename) a port in W Peru, near Lima, onCallao Bay: chief import centre of Peru. Pop: 813 264 (2005 est) Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014 ...
Eighteen employees from various part of the Altiplano prison 55 miles west of Mexico City have been taken in for questioning, Security Commissioner Monte Alejandro Rubido said in a news conference without answering questions. A manhunt began immediately late Saturday for the head of the powerful Sina...
Les origines de UBA remontent à l'an 1949, d'abord sous la dénomination de "British and French Bank Limited (BFB)". En effet, UBA avait repris les actifs et passifs de la BFB, et fut immatriculée comme une société anonyme le 23 février 1961, conformément au Chapitre 37 de l...