小-cle表示“个体”或“个别” article n. 文章;条款;物品;冠词 miracle n. 奇迹;奇事(拉丁文 mirare = wonder at 惊奇) particle n. 分子;微粒;质点(part 部分) vehicle n. 车辆;媒介物(拉丁文 vehere = c…
New Product: Mole from a Powder Mole is a classic sauce in Mexican cooking, but it’s also complicated. Many moles have dozens of ingredients, ranging from seeds to chocolate. That complexity is key to the sauce’s flavor. The Women of Wine: Profiles of Six Female Leaders in Mexican Wine...
El Restaurante is a trade magazine for the Mexican/Latin restaurant industry in the United States and Canada.
推荐菜 Ceviche Chilaquiles Mole Rojo Chicken Enchilada Tinga 电话:+1-202-8154789 地址:1227 11th St NW, 华盛顿特区, DC 简介: El Sol Restaurante & Tequileria是这两年来华盛顿声名显赫的墨西哥餐厅之一,数次荣获大奖。餐厅装饰舒适温馨,菜肴口味地道,价格合理。周边购物 ...
El Topo decides to confront warrior masters on a transformative desert journey. He begins with his six-year-old son, who must bury his childhood totems to become a man. El Topo (the mole) claims to be God while dressed as a gunslinger in black, riding a horse through a mystical landscap...
BARRA DE SOPAS Diariamente preparamos Sopas y Cremas, como Crema de Broccoli, Elote, Champiñón, Verduras, Poblano o SOPA de Cebolla, Mole de Olla, Hongos, Tortilla. BARRA CALIENTE Siempre encontrarás guisados de Res, Pollo, Pescado, Cerdo, Pizza o nuestras deliciosas ALITAS BUFALO, además...
Casa Mercado: Museo del mole1.73公里 El Cafe-tal Apan1.8公里 CHURRERÍA PORFIRIO COATEPEC1.94公里 1420 Cocina1.93公里 El Cafe de Avelino1.78公里 Café La Estación1.99公里 Helados Amoripás Coatepec1.88公里 Restaurante El Truchal530 米 Café Buenaventura2.04公里 ...
Foto: Raboe001, CC BY-SA 3.0. Brunsbüttel Mole 4 ist ein Leuchtturm, und liegt 1¼ km südlich von Stadtgalerie im Elbeforum Brunsbüttel.Ortschaften in der NäheBrunsbüttel Foto: UlrichAAB, CC BY 3.0. Brunsbüttel ist eine Kleinstadt im Kreis Dithmarschen in Schleswig-Holstein mit...
例如,它有可能错写了“mole”,意思是“痣”。 不过,这可能性很小,因为“mole”和“moel”的拼写差别还是挺大的。 总之,面对这个神秘的“moel”,我们只能根据上下文猜测它的真正含义。 最有可能的情况是它错写了“model”,指的是模特或者模型。 但是,也可能只是网络流行语,或者单纯的笔误。 建议大家在遇到...