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在Priorat地区(Tarragona)。由Baix Priorat、Alt Priorat部分地区和Ribera d''Ebre不同自治市政区构成,这些区域已并入Falset次产区。共有16个自治市政区:La Bisbal de Falset、Cabaces、Capcanes、Cornudella de Montsant、La Figuera、Eis Guiamets、Marca、Margalei、El Masroig、Pradell、La Torre de Fontaubella、...
共有16个自治市政区:La Bisbal de Falset、Cabaces、Capcanes、Cornudella de Montsant、La Figuera、Eis Guiamets、Marca、Margalei、El Masroig、Pradell、La Torre de Fontaubella、Ulldemolins、Falset、El Molar、Darmos和La Serra d''Almos。葡萄园的海拔高度范围较广,在海拔200至700米的高度之间。
Tornero C, Aguilera M, Ferrio JP, Arcusa H, Moreno-García M, García-Reig S, Rojo-Guerra M (2018) Vertical sheep mobility along the altitudinal gradient through stable isotope analyses in tooth molar bioapatite, meteoric water and pastures: a reference from the Ebro valley to the Central ...
Micromorphology of the Early Iron Age semi-cemented floors: El Calvari del Molar (Tarragona, NE Spain) as case studyThis paper presents the microstratigraphic analysis of the protohistoric site El Calvari del Molar, dated to the 8th century and the first quarter of 6th century BCE. It focuses...
Neandertals disappeared from the fossil record around 40,000 bp, after a demographic history of small and isolated groups with high but variable levels of inbreeding, and episodes of interbreeding with other Paleolithic hominins. It is reasonable to e
Micromorphology of the Early Iron Age semi-cemented floors: El Calvari del Molar (Tarragona, NE Spain) as case studydoi:10.1016/J.JASREP.2018.11.028Marta MateuM. Mercè BergadàXosé-Lois ArmadaNúria RafelElsevier BV
共有16个自治市政区:La Bisbal de Falset、Cabaces、Capcanes、Cornudella de Montsant、La Figuera、Eis Guiamets、Marca、Margalei、El Masroig、Pradell、La Torre de Fontaubella、Ulldemolins、Falset、El Molar、Darmos和La Serra d''Almos。葡萄园的海拔高度范围较广,在海拔200至700米的高度之间。 葡萄...
共有16个自治市政区:La Bisbal de Falset、Cabaces、Capcanes、Cornudella de Montsant、La Figuera、Eis Guiamets、Marca、Margalei、El Masroig、Pradell、La Torre de Fontaubella、Ulldemolins、Falset、El Molar、Darmos和La Serra d''Almos。葡萄园的海拔高度范围较广,在海拔200至700米的高度之间。 葡萄...
共有16个自治市政区:La Bisbal de Falset、Cabaces、Capcanes、Cornudella de Montsant、La Figuera、Eis Guiamets、Marca、Margalei、El Masroig、Pradell、La Torre de Fontaubella、Ulldemolins、Falset、El Molar、Darmos和La Serra d''Almos。葡萄园的海拔高度范围较广,在海拔200至700米的高度之间。 葡萄...