La familia y el matrimonioahrbom
Kathryn RobinsonGender Place & Culture A Journal of Feminist GeographyRobinson, K. 2007 . “Marriage Migration, Gender Transformations, and Family Values in the ‘Global Ecumene’.” Gender, Place and Culture14 (4): 483–497. [Taylor & Francis Online] , [Web of Science ®]...
Cortés:estilorefinadoydelicadoentrelanobleza Lautopíaessimplementeadmiraralaamada,sinesperarqueelamorseacorrespondido. Desinteresado:elenamoradonoquiereelmatrimonio Elamoresunaenfermedad Lascaracterísticasdelamorcortés Frustrado:elamoresimposibiledeconsumarporqueeldesastresigueinmediatamentealaconsumación. ...
Familia, matrinomio y mujer: el discurso de la iglesia catolica en Barranquilla (1863-1930). Historia Critica, 21-49.Miranda Dalin, "Familia, matrimonio y mujer: el discurso de la iglesia catolica en Barranquilla (1863-11920)", en Historia critica N. º 23, Bogota, Universidad de los ...
All creatures have been created by God in order to live in relation among themselves, and also between themselves and their Creator. No creature has been created in order to live in solitude. The relationship is an expression of love. God is love, and his l...