地址: San Diego, CA 92101 电话:+1-619-95582** 更多信息 写评价 网友评价(12) 全部图片(11)好评(8)中评(4)差评(0) 匿名用户 生意特别好,如果要堂食的话有时候需要等位。味道也很好,推荐牛舌。 dotSource: voiceInput: 回应 2024-09-15 10:46 ...
QUALITY YOU CAN TASTE WElCOME! Tacos El Gordo has a passion for delivering great-tasting Mexican Tacos. We have been in the food service industry for over 40 years, opening our first restaurant in 1972. MORE ABOUT US MORE THAN TACOS!
Taco El Gordo 这家店在维加斯是大名鼎鼎了!以前一直听朋友说好吃好吃,今天去town square突然发现对面开了一家。看介绍,这个地址都已经开了两年了,我们来town square一直没有走这条路才一直不知道 店里也太大了!点餐口分好几个,steak, pork, beef几个区域。饮料也有一个专门的区。taco的价格比其他地方贵一块...
圣地亚哥Taco's El Gordo,携程攻略社区! 收集携程游友对圣地亚哥Taco's El Gordo餐馆的各种评价、印象、点评,包含Taco's El Gordo特色菜推荐、电话、地址、菜单、人均消费、营业时间等信息。要旅行,从携程攻略开始。
Taco's El GordoTaco's El Gordo点评(0条点评) 写点评 0/5分 这是一片未被开拓的处女地。写点评,留下首个旅行足迹吧,游友们一定会铭记你的贡献~ 写点评你曾经游览过这里吗?快来分享你的旅行体验吧~~ 餐馆信息 更多信息 地址: 1351 3rd Ave, Chula Vista, CA 91911-4302 标签: 墨西哥菜 拉美...
We had Gordo and full main up and were going fast that when we slowed down the marlin went flying past us and was in front of the boat. As I started going forward he was about midships when he finally flew into the air and managed to get free. The whole thing took about 3 ...
Out to Eat ; El Gordo Burrito the Standout from Lloyd the Taco TruckShake the chill with an El Gordo burrito at Live at O'LarkinFor all of the variety they've...Editor, Food
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