Afrikaans, albaneză, arabă, bulgară, chineză (Han (varianta simplificată)), chineză (Han (varianta tradițională)), croată, cehă, daneză, olandeză, estonă, finlandeză, franceză, germană, ebraică, hindi, maghiară, indoneziană, Italiană, japonez...
hindi hmong húngaro igbo indonesio inglés irlandés islandés italiano japonés javanés kazajo kinyarwanda kirguís kurdo lao latín letón lituano luxemburgués macedonio malayalam malayo malgache maltés maorí maratí mongol neerlandés nepalí noruego Oriya panyabí pastún persa polaco portugués ru...
जोएल Hindi hi Joyel Spanish es Joyel French fr جويل Arabic ar জয়েল Bengali bn Joyel Portuguese pt Джойель Russian ru joyel Urdu ur Joyel Indonesian id Joyel German de ジョイエル Japanese ja जोएल Marathi mr ఆనందం Te...
Posteriormente, se expuso a los mismos contrastes entre consonantes del thompson, y a otros contrastes de la lengua hindi, a bebés de entre 6 y 8 meses, y 10 meses y 1 año, de familias anglófonas. Los resultados mostraron que los bebés de entre 6 y 8 meses fueron capaces de ...
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According to the hindi tradition, The third eye chakra is the sixth chakra, also known as the eye of Shiva.Located on the forehead, between the eyebrows, it is the center of intuition and foresight. The function of the third eye chakra is driven by the principle of openness and imagination...
NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Hindi Medium NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Hindi Medium NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Hindi Medium NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Hindi Medium Boards CBSE UP Board Bihar Board UP Board Resources Unit Converters Calculators ...
Fix an issue with context numbering lists in Persian, Arabic, Hindi, and Hebrew.Version 1603: April 28Version 1603 (Build 6769.2040)Excel: Nonsecurity updatesFix an issue where a named range is incorrectly imported when using Data > Get & Transform > From Table. Fix an issue where macros ...
A bowl of dry sabzi of bhindi, potatoes or cauliflower :150 calories Aloo Parantha:210 calories 100 grams of curd contains about 100 calories BMR calculation example BMR 1,758 kcal/day Exercise 3 Mets Walking distance 4 km =2.5 mile
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