The El Dorado Hills Fire Department's mission is to serve, safeguard and preserve life, health, safety and property of the public and business interests within the El Dorado Hills Community, through professional, cost efficient, and effective fire contro
4806 Village Green Dr, El Dorado Hills, CA 95762 is a 3,185 sqft, 3 bed, 3 bath home sold in 2024. See the estimate, review home details, and search for homes nearby.
The El Dorado County Resource Advisory Committee (RAC) will hold a virtual meeting. The committee is authorized under the Secure Rural Schools and Community Self-Determination Act (the Act) and operates in compliance with the Federal Advisory Committee Act. The purpose of the committee is to ...
El Dorado的邮政编码是什么?El Dorado含有许多不同的地方。您必须选择一个明确的地址来找到邮政编码。 基本信息 国家: U.S. - 美国 州: CA - California 州缩写: CA 区县: El Dorado 区县FIPS: 06017 El Dorado - 邮政编码 El Dorado的邮政编码是什么?El Dorado包含许多不同的地方。下表显示了El Dorado下...
红葡萄酒 酒庄: sogno 产区: 美国USA>塞拉丘陵 Sierra Foothills 酿酒葡萄: 酒款年份: 2001年 国内市场参考价: ¥暂无价格信息 酒款综述OVERVIEW 关于“sogno zinfandel (el dorado county) ”的酒款综述 权威评分SCORE 关于“sogno zinfandel (el dorado county)”的评分 ...
网络埃尔多拉多郡;埃尔多拉多县;艾尔度拉多县 网络释义
Learn about El Dorado County’s rich history in film production through this location map. View Filming Locations Film Office Client Services On call 24 hours a day / seven days a week at(530) 626-4400.If it goes to voicemail, please leave a message and we will get right back to you!
El Dorado County Library | Georgetown Branch 1.7开园中 12:00-19:00开放 实用攻略 6680 Orleans St, Georgetown, CA 95634, United States 地图·周边 暂无点评 快来发表第一条点评~ 写点评 暂无回答 不知道怎么玩?问问旅行达人 去提问 景点附近 美食 景点 购物 Q1227 Restaurant 西餐 直线距离39.7...
In January of 2007, Vern became El Dorado County’s District Attorney. In addition to being a county prosecutor, Vern served for several years with the California Department of Justice as Deputy Attorney General in the Appeals, Writs and Trial Division. Vern is currently the President of the ...
埃尔多拉多县(El Dorado County)是加州淘金热的发源地,也是该州一些海拔最高的葡萄园的所在地。位于州首府萨克拉门托东北部,该县的地形和气候明显受到附近的塞拉山麓丘陵的影响。 因为埃尔多拉多县和埃尔多拉多AVAs覆盖几乎完全相同的地理区域,前者是在标签上很少看到的名称。生产商可能会选择使用更广为人知的Sierra...