In particular, we found that, in the presence of astrocytes, the neuron-induced and of is precocious as compared to cocultured with neurons only.doi:10.1080/00063656609476108P. Hope JonesUniversitas Philosophica
Gestión de la convivencia y profesores contra corriente, ArtículoThis study has demonstrated greater efficacy of a new percutaneous amethocaine preparation relative to Eutectic Mixture of Local Anaesthetics (EMLA). Initially, a double-blinded trial was undertaken on each preparation individually ...
La construcción del otro y el discurso de la pobreza Narrativas y experiencias desde la periferia de la ciudad de México The Construction of the Other and the Discourse of Poverty Narratives and Experiences from the Periphery of the Mexico City María Cristina Bayón*, ...
2. 所有备份服务都需要设置为“禁用”,一旦设置,主机将需要重新启动。 这将释放磁带库或磁带机上的所有保留空间。 3. 从戴尔支持站点下载 ML3 的最新固件更新文件。 4. 运行固件更新文件,记下内容的提取位置。 磁带库固件更新 一.使用 R...
Chronology of the postnatal ossification of the shoulder and cubit joints of the Siam cat (Felts catus L.)doi:10.1111/j.1439-0264.1993.tb00339.xVazquez‐Auton J.MaVilla Lopez Ma.IMoreno FGil FLatorre RBlackwell Publishing LtdAnatomia Histologia Embryologia...
This paper introduces Stellar Simplification, a fast implementation of the Four-Face Cluster algorithm. In our version of this mesh simplification scheme, we adopt a probabilistic heuristic that substitutes the priority queue of the original algorithm. This made our version, in average, 40% faster....
Systemic or locoregional chemotherapy can also be used for high-grade or non-resectable tumors.F. DujardinM. DebledC. GuillemetJ. SimonetH. HamidouC. Cambon-MichotB. DubrayP. VeraProfesorado Revista De Currículum Y Formación De Profesorado...
DemocracyCapitalismLiberalismPolitical science PhilosophyThis article has no associated abstract. ( fix it )Primitivo CarbajoGovernment & Democracy
doi:10.4067/S0717-71782001000100003direct energy conversionfuel cellscathodescatalystsgoldoxygenperformanceporositytefloncryogenic fluidsContents include the following articles: (1)Lara OteroKinderrztliche Praxis
El bosque tropical seco en riesgo: conflictos entre uso agro- pecuario, desarrollo turistico y provision de servicios ecosistemicos en la costa de Jalisco, Mexico. Inter- ciencia 34:844-850.Castillo A, God´inez C, Schroeder N, Galicia C, Pujadas A, Mart´inez L (2009) El bosque ...