Balsalobre MD, Rodriguez JM, Torregrosa NM, Rios A, Illana J, Martinez E, et al. Cancer epidermoide de mama en el varon. ¿Prima- rio o secundario? Cir Esp 2004; 76(5): 333-4.Martinez-Cordellat I: Hiperparatiroidismo: ¿ primario o secunda- rio?. Reumatol Clin. 2011. doi:...
El infarto cere- las ramas penetrantes: microateromatosis y lipo- bral secundario a las alteraciones hemodinámicas hialinosis secundaria a la hipertensión arte- relacionadas con la aterosclerosis requiere de los rial.5,7,11,13,23,26 siguientes elementos: Algunos médicos prefieren reservar la...
Breast augmentation with implants is a common practice in Plastic Surgery, and the unframmary fold (IMF) plays a crucial role in this procedure. This fold not only demarcates the lower part of the breast and the beginning of the submammary chest, but it can ...
However, if there is a drop in CD4 count < 200 cells/mcl, prophylaxis with cotrimoxazole must be started for the primary prevention of Pneumocistis and toxoplasmosis. Secondary prophylaxis must also be given after the onset of an OI in most cases. Vaccination is one of the most important ...