Netflix made Emmy viewers scream “Yeah, Bitch!” on Sunday when it unveiled the trailer for Aaron Paul’s long-awaited return as Jesse Pinkman in “El Camino: A Breaking Bad Movie.”The film takes place after the events of “Breaking Bad,” which aired its last episode in 2013, where...
“El Camino: A Breaking Bad Movie,” which dropped on Netflix Oct. 11, drew around 6.5 million total viewers in its first three days on the streaming platform, according to Nielsen.The movie also reached just under 8.2 million unique TV viewers. “El Camino” unsurprisingly drew its biggest...
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TV Insider Breaking Bad “There has to be a good reason”: Bryan Cranston Said Goodbye to Breaking Bad but Still Has Certain Conditions to Return to His Other Fan-Favorite Series 12/22/2024 by Diya Majumdar FandomWire “I thought Arya would kill…”: Sophie Turner Wanted Maisie Williams To...
《绝命毒师电影:续命之徒》(El Camino:A Breaking Bad Movie)是一部由NetFlix出品,文斯·吉里根执导,亚伦·保尔领衔主演的动作、剧情电影,于2019年10月11日在美国上映 . 该片是AMC系列剧集《绝命毒师》的续...
《El Camino: A Breaking Bad Movie (续命之徒:绝命毒师电影)》正式预告片,10月11日上线。。 © Netflix
El Camino: A Breaking Bad Moviewill hit Netflix on October 11, 2019. The latesttrailer for the film(see above) premiered September 24 and puts the focus on Jesse while also revealing some of the supporting characters — both new and familiar — who will appear in the film. ...
Looking to watch El Camino: A Breaking Bad Movie? Find out where El Camino: A Breaking Bad Movie is streaming, if El Camino: A Breaking Bad Movie is on Netflix, and get news and updates, on Decider.
El Camino: A Breaking Bad Moviewas a huge success for Netflix during its first three days of streaming. The movie takes place directly after the events ofBreaking Badwith Jesse Pinkman on the run. While some fans were not excited to learn that Vince Gilligan was reteaming with Aaron Paul ...
El Camino: A Breaking Bad Movie 19.10.11 NETFLIX 4 0 0 0 发布于:2019-10-08 19:58举报/纠错即将上映 Coming Soon 剧集 冒牌上尉 The Captain Der Hauptmann 去向埃德蒙德 The Road to Edmond 2018 妮可1988 Nico, 1988 2018.08.01 北 克里斯托弗·罗宾 Christopher Robin 201 至暗之心 The Darkest...