LA Paz (Bolivia)INCINERATIONBIOMASS burningPARTICULATE matterAIR qualityAIR pollutionPOLYCYCLIC aromatic hydrocarbonsBIOGENIC aminesALKANESLa Paz and El Alto are two fast-growing high-altitude Bolivian cities forming the second largest metropolitan area in the country, located between 3200 a...
This study investigates BC concentration levels, identifies its emission sources, and characterizes the optical properties of BC at urban background sites of the two largest high-altitude Bolivian cities: La Paz (LP) (3600 m above sea level) and El Alto (EA) (4050 ...
El altoboliviaurbanizationneoliberalismlatin americaThe conurbation of La Paz and El Alto, Bolivia, the highest seat of government in the world, can be described as an indigenous urban center overlooking a colonial city. In this metropolitan area of 1.4 million people, location and altitude ...
AltoBoliviaurbanizationneoliberalismLatinAmericaThe conurbation of La Paz and El Alto, Bolivia, the highest seat of government in the world, can be described as an indigenous urban center overlooking a colonial city. In this metropolitan area of 1.4 million people, location and altitude accurately ...