El Cid 西班牙人EL CID, 也叫RODRIGO EL CAMPEADOR ("战士"), 绰号RODRIGO, 或RUY, D??AZ DE VIVAR (公元前 1043 年, Vivar, 在布尔戈斯,卡斯提尔[西班牙]附近 -- 死于1099 年7月10日,巴伦西亚), 卡斯提尔的军事领袖和民族英雄。他的俗名, El Cid (出自西班牙的阿拉伯语,sid,就是"领袖...
in whose court El Cid was born. His actual name is Rodrigo Díaz de Vivar, a Castilian knight who is well known for his war battle victories that have been immortalized in the form
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- Fixed #1391 take care 32bit system of chunked file uploading arg `cid` - Fixed #1393 Added PHP class auto loader - Fixed #1412 Enable auto scroll when navbar/cwd drag over - And some minor bug fixes 2016-04-11 Naoki Sawada <hypweb+elfinder@gmail.com> * elFinder (2.1.11...
1097-1102 View in ScopusGoogle Scholar [53] A. Pesce, C. West, et al. Interpretation of Urine Drug Testing in Pain Patients Pain Medicine., 13 (7) (2012 jul), pp. 868-885 CrossrefView in Scopus [54] G. Owen, A. Burton Urine Drug Testing: Current Recommendations and Best Practices...
1097-1104 View in ScopusGoogle Scholar 54 T. Kiliç, G. Ekinci, A. Seker, I. Elmaci, C. Erzen, M.N. Pamir Determining optimal MRI follow-up after transsphenoidal surgery for pituitary adenoma: Scan at 24 hours postsurgery provides reliable information Acta Neurochir (Wien)., 143 (...
The son, Diego Rodríguez, was killed in battle against the Muslim Almoravid invaders from North Africa, at Consuegra (1097). The Cid’s position at court was, despite his marriage, precarious. He seems to have been thought of as the natural leader of those Castilians who were unreconciled...
岗位职责: 1、负责在抖音、广点通、朋友圈、百度信息流等广告平台的投放计划制定以及日常投放,提取广告数据报表,分析投放效果并优化; 2、负责监控和分析投放的效果数据,进行实时优化,以获客成本和roi为结果导向; 3、独立分析广告投放数据,总结投放问题,形成周报/月报; 4、独立完成竞品调查,并输出报告; 5、每周独立撰...
CID 【岗位职责】 1、负责二类电商信息流投放,主要类目为日百、服饰、食品等全品类; 2、负责广点通/抖音CID跳拼多多的日常运营和推广工作,以消耗和利润为结果导向; 3、实时监控分析广告投放的效果,结合数据对广告进行投放策略的调整,优化推广成本; 4、与剪辑团队沟通协调,针对不同产品提出明确素材需求,及时跟进素材...