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“geography” 发音为 /dʒiˈɒɡrəfi/ ,意为 “地理;地理学” 。“difficult” 发音是 /ˈdɪfɪkəlt/ ,意思是 “困难的;费力的” 。“reason” 发音为 /ˈriːz (ə) n/ ,有 “原因;理由” 等含义。“excellent” 发音为 /ˈeksələnt/ ,表示 “极好的;优秀...
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Webhook callbacks, however, get triggered automatically from Zvanu parvaldnieks service's side when a new event is received. For example, when a new voicemail message is left, Zvanu parvaldnieks sends an event to connector with data about the new voicemail message....
1465017 Covers for screws A GERHARD 16 May 1975 [17 May 1974] 20794/75 Heading F2H A cover 4 for a screw or bolt head 2 having a cylindrical recess 3 therein has a hollow cylindrical projection 6 to frictionally engage over its entire outer periphery with the inner periphery of the ...
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摘要: In this article, it was given information about topic, content and revelation reason of Rad surah, analysis of inflection, last vowels and of its 41st chapter were done. In the light of narrative, perceptive and mystical comments and scientific information that parallelly were arised as ...
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