To start the Amazon EKS Workshop, you’ll first need to deploy the Amazon EKS cluster environment. To automate these steps, the workshop follows infrastructure as code (IaC) best practices leveraging Terraform, an open-source tool to manage cluster creation and other prerequisites. We decided to...
运行下列命令在EKS集群所在的VPC中创建一个名称为my-ip-targets的Target Group exportVPC_ID=$(aws ec2 describe-vpcs --filters Name=tag:Name,Values=eksctl-eksworkshop-albc* | jq -r'.Vpcs[].VpcId') aws elbv2 create-target-group --name my-ip-targets --protocol TCP --port 8080 --target-t...
2048_full.yaml aws cluster.yaml iam-policy.json ingress_alb.yaml nodegroup.yaml v2_2_1_full.yaml [ec2-user@ip-172-31-32-32 ~]$ more cluster.yaml kind: ClusterConfig metadata: name: eks-workshop region: ap-southeast-1 version...
运行下列命令在EKS集群所在的VPC中创建一个名称为my-ip-targets的Target Group export VPC_ID=$(aws ec2 describe-vpcs --filters Name=tag:Name,Values=eksctl-eksworkshop-albc* | jq -r '.Vpcs[].VpcId') aws elbv2 create-target-group --name my-ip-targets --protocol TCP --port 8080 --target...
WarningThis repository is in maintenance mode and currently only accepting bug-fixes. PRs for new content should be adapted for the new EKS Workshop: eksworkshop Setup: Using
name: eks-workshop region: ap-southeast-1 version: "1.20" vpc: id: "vpc-75da3113" subnets: private: private-b: id: "subnet-015ac1ef15878b449" private-a: id: "subnet-099952df6f0c29019" public: public-a: id: "subnet-902ce0d8" ...
在AWS管理控制台中选择Cloud9服务,然后创建一个名称为eksworkshop的环境,将Cost-saving setting选项设置为After four hours,其他配置保持默认。创建完毕后关闭Welcome和底部的工作区页面,然后在主工作区中打开一个新的Terminal。 在IAM服务中,创建一个名称为eksworkshop-admin的角色,确认AWS service和EC2被选中,点击下...
python kubernetes aws security workshop-materials cdk eks eksctl Updated Dec 3, 2019 Python weaveworks / eks-appmesh-profile Star 10 Code Issues Pull requests AWS App Mesh eksctl profile kubernetes gitops eksctl flagger fluxcd aws-app-mesh Updated Oct 13, 2022 weaveworks / mlops-...
In diesem Workshop erfahren Sie mehr über bewährte Methoden für das Software-Supply-Chain-Management auf AWS mithilfe von Open-Source-Tools. Themen wie das Erstellen und Anhängen von Bescheinigungen an ein Container-Image sind Themen wie das Erstellen und Anhängen von Bescheinigung...
Shopranos Short URL ShortySMS (Independent Publisher) Showcase Workshop SHRTCODE (Independent Publisher) Sigma Conso CR SignatureAPI SigningHub SIGNL4 - Mobile Alerting SignNow SignRequest SignUpGenius (Independent Publisher) Skype for Business Online [已弃用] SkyPoint Cloud Slack Slascone ...