With the0.10.1 releaseofeksctlyou can as of today also benefit from the new node group API and manage your EKS clusters in a declarative manner, from the command line. At launch time of managed node groups, the default behavior ofeksctlis unchanged to what you already have experienced. In...
assume_role_policy =data.aws_iam_policy_document.eks-instance.jsonmanaged_policy_arns = [data.aws_iam_policy.AmazonEKSClusterPolicy.arn]}resource"aws_iam_role""eks-node"{ name = local.node_role_name assume_role_policy =data.aws_iam_policy_document.ec2-instance.jsonmanaged_policy_arns = [da...
ManagedNodeGroup这个Managed Node Group在后台利用EC2 Auto Scailing group 功能。建议开启此功能,此功能是使用EKS Cluster Autoscaler的前提。 而EKS Cluster Autoscaler是HPA的隐性前提,因为当Node不够的时候如果不会自动加入新的Node,则HPA也无法完成。 ClusterAutoScaler这个功能结合上面的 ManagedNodeGroup 来实现 EKS...
删除掉需要去掉的节点组 eksctl delete nodegroup -f eks-beta.yaml --only-missing 然后 eksctl delete nodegroup -f eks-beta.yaml --only-missing --approve # 注意 eksctl 的update和upgrade 命令更新 组和集群的参数只针对 managed 类型的nodegroup生效,如果是自管理节点...
managedNodeGroups: - name: al2-workers amiFamily: AmazonLinux2 desiredCapacity: 2 volumeSize: 80 additionalVolumes: - volumeName: '/dev/sdz' volumeSize: 100 preBootstrapCommands: - | "systemctl stop containerd" "mkfs -t ext4 /dev/nvme1n1" "rm -rf /var/lib/containerd/*" "mount /dev...
aws-eks-self-managed-node-group 本模块负责创建自管节点组,实现的主要功能与托管节点组相似。 • 难点与问题 1 configure_map 背景:通过terraform修改EKS的信息 问题描述:因为本地与Pipeline使用不同的角色,需要给cross_account_read与cross_account_admin在aws_auth中加上这两个role并给予管理集群的权限 ...
solutions such as self-managed Prometheus. Alternatively, you can use AWS Observability Accelerator (available inTerraformandCDKformats), which comes with opinionated modules, curated metrics, logs, traces collection, alerting rules, and Grafana dashboards for your AWS infrastructure and custom ...
eks_addon terraform-aws-modules/eks/aws 19.21.0 eks terraform-aws-modules/eks/aws 19.21.0 Resources NameType aws_eks_node_group.default_ng resource aws_iam_policy.eks_cni_ipv6_policy resource aws_iam_policy.kubernetes_pvc_kms_policy resource aws_iam_policy.node_autoscaler_policy resource aws_...
Add a managed node group nameddefault Configure the VPC CNI to use prefix delegation Download the Terraform files: ~$mkdir -p ~/environment/terraform; cd ~/environment/terraform ~$curl --remote-name-all https://raw.githubusercontent.com/aws-samples/eks-workshop-v2/stable/cluster/terraform/{ma...
Having one node idle is definitely not cost effective for us if we want to use managed nodes on EKS 👍 2 bflad mentioned this issue Jun 29, 2020 aws_eks_node_group can't set min_size of 0 hashicorp/terraform-provider-aws#13984 Closed antonosmond commented Jul 1, 2020 Putting...